Volume 44, Numbers 1 and 2, Winter and Spring 2023

The Nature of Visual Perception: Could a Longstanding Debate Be Resolved Empirically?
Alex Gomez–Marin, Instituto de Neurociencias (CSIC-UMH) and Rupert Sheldrake, Schumacher College

The Relationship of Concepts, Memory, and Language in the Cognitive Psychology of Thinking: An Aristotelian–Thomistic Appraisal
James M. Stedman, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, Thomas L. Spalding, Christina L. Gagné, University of Alberta, and Curtis L. Hancock, Rockhurst University

Language as a Perceptual System
Walter B. Weimer, Pennsylvania State University, Emeritus

Onset of the Spontaneous Non-Transcendental Out-of-Body Experience: An Orienting Response to Threat
Robert A. King, The NDE OBE Research Project

Immanence, Transcendence, and Cognition
Timothy L. Hubbard, Arizona State University and Grand Canyon University


Research Methods in Comparative Psychology: A Tutorial
Charles I. Abramson, Oklahoma State University