International Transfer Credit

Students who have completed college-level (post-secondary) classes at an institution abroad may contact the Office of International Programs (OIP) to request an international transfer credit evaluation. The evaluation is completed by the International Admissions team after the student is accepted. The OIP staff evaluates most international credentials in-house but students may be asked to complete an external international credential evaluation on a case-by-case basis to confirm documentation authenticity and provide guidance on credit and grade conversions.

Transfer Credit Policies

Transcripts:  Academic transcripts submitted to the Office of International Programs for evaluation must be certified original documents.  Documents in a language other than English must be accompanied by an official English translation.

Course equivalencies:  Students requesting transfer credit for specific UM course equivalencies need to include detailed course descriptions (in English) with their transcript.

Grades:  Students must have earned the equivalent of a grade of C- or better in order for the course to be transferable to UMaine. The grades of the international transfer courses will be listed on the UMaine transcript but not calculated in the cumulative GPA at UMaine.

Credits:  The number of international transfer credits for each course is determined by the equivalency of the credit hours or contact hours between the two institutions.

ENG 101:  The Office of International Programs does not make transfer credit recommendations for ENG 101.  The student must have earned at least a grade of “C” in order to transfer a course from abroad as ENG 101. The OIP works with Prof. Ryan Dippre in the English department to obtain approval for this course.

OAC Credit:  UMaine considers Canadian OAC credit to be advanced placement credit.  Students may receive up to 3 credits for each OAC course passed with a grade of 60 or higher.  OAC transfer credit is recorded under the generic “100X” or “200X” designation unless the student provides a course description that clearly matches a course taught at UMaine.

CEGEP Credit:  Credit is not granted for course work taken in the first year at a Canadian CEGEP.  UMaine considers the first year of CEGEP to be the equivalent of the 12th grade in the U.S.A.

International Baccalaureate: UMaine grants transfer credit for IB courses at the Higher level completed with grades of 5 or higher. The transcript must be sent directly by IB to UMaine. See the section below for more information.

UK System: Advanced level examinations: UMaine grants transfer credit for A-level courses by the various testing agencies. Transfer credit is granted at the advanced level with a grade of A or B, and not at the Advanced Subsidiary level. The transcript must be sent directly from the testing agency to UMaine. See the section below for more information.

English Language Courses: Credit is not awarded for course work in English language instruction.

International Transfer Credit Evaluation Process

Credential Evaluation Agencies

The University of Maine requires all transfer students to obtain a professional course-by-course evaluation of all university-level work from a professional credential evaluation service with NACES membership.  This professional evaluation will help guide the University of Maine’s internal review of transfer credit equivalencies.  It is not a guarantee of transfer credit. Suggested organizations are:


Josef Silny & Associates, Inc., International Education Consultants

7101 SW 102 Avenue, Miami, FL 33173 | Phone: (305) 273-1616; Fax: (305) 273-1338 | website: | email:



450 7th Avenue, Suite 1107, New York, NY 10123 | Phone: (646) 475-2570; Fax: (713) 789-6022 | Website: | Email:


World Education Services (WES)

P.O. Box 5087, Bowling Green Station, New York, NY 10274-5087 | Phone: (212) 966-6311; Fax:  (212) 739-6120 | Website: | email:

Transfer Course Equivalency Search

The Office of International Programs has posted in MaineStreet the transfer course equivalencies for some institutions abroad.

Note: No login is required to use Transfer Course Equivalencies in MaineStreet.

  • Go to MaineStreet
  • Select Transfer Course Equivalencies
  • Maximize browser window for best display.
  • Select Transfer courses or test credit to the Univ. of Maine System.
  • Select University of Maine at Orono.
  • From the A-Z list, select the first letter of the name of your institution. Please be aware that the names of some universities have been abbreviated.
  • Select your school from the list.
  • Select Show all Subjects or select a subject.
  • Minimize the Menu on left for best display.

Your institution’s courses are listed on the left.  UM’s course equivalent is in the column labeled Target Course.  If the transfer course satisfies one or more General Education requirements, this information will display in the column to the right.

International Baccalaureate Exams Credit

The University of Maine grants credit for International Baccalaureate Exams equivalent to courses with a minimum exam score. All exams must be taken at the HIGHER level with a grade of 5, 6, or 7. No credit will be awarded for exams taken at the Standard level. You can view examples on the left.

Cambridge A-level Exams Credit

With its origin in the United Kingdom, the General Certificate of Education (GCE)  or International General Certificate of Education (IGCE) is a secondary-level academic qualification that continues to be a popular measure of academic aptitude in other countries. It does not grant transfer credit. The University of Maine grants credit for GCE A-Level Exams taken only at the Advanced Level (A-Level) with grades of A and B. No credit will be given for exams taken at the Advanced Subsidiary level (A/S level).

(with grades of A &B)
UMaine equivalencyUMaine CreditsUM general education
App. Information & Communication TechnologyCOS 100X6 crSocial Contexts
ArabicVOX 1608 crCultural Diversity
BiologyBio 100

BIO 200
8 crLab Science
Business StudiesBUA 100X6 cr
ChemistryCHY 121

CHY 122

CHY 123

CHY 124
8 cr
Classical CivilizationHTY 100X6 cr
EconomicsECO 120

ECO 121
6 crSocial Contexts
English LiteratureENG 100X6 crWest. Cul. Tradition/Artistic
Further MathematicsMAT 126

MAT 127
8 crQuantitative Literacy
GeographyGEO 100X6 crLab Science/Pop. Environmental
HistoryHTY 100X6 cr
MathematicsMAT 122

MAT 100X
8 crQuantitative Literacy
Physical EducationKPE 200X6 crApp Science
PhysicsPHY 121

PHY 122
8 crLab Science
PsychologyPSY 100

PSY 100X
6 crSocial Contexts
SociologySOC 100X6 crSocial Contexts
SpanishSPA 100X6 crCultural Diversity


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