ISA Events
Coffee Hour
Coffee Hour is a social event sponsored by the International Student Association and Office of International Programs. It is usually held every Friday (except breaks) from 4:00 until 5:00 p.m. during the fall and spring semesters. Some special events held during Coffee Hour include country and culture presentations, international food tasting, cooking competition, etc. It is a great way to meet other international and American students.
Who is hosting coffee hour this week?
Each week, different organizations volunteer to host the International Student Coffee hour. If your organization is interested in hosting, please contact ISA as early in the semester as possible.
Coffee hour dates:

Culturefest will be held in the New Balance Recreation Center and will feature international foods, cultural exhibits, children’s’ activities, and a style show.
Date & Location
Saturday, November 2, 2024
11:00 am to 3:30 pm
New Balance Recreation Center
PARKING- will be available at the Rec. Center and in the athletic complex next to the football stadium.
Participate in Culturefest
Campus and community groups are encouraged to sign up for the 2023 Culturefest. Due to possible space limitations we will be giving preference to campus groups for some activities. We will let you know as soon as possible if we are not able to accommodate your group.
- Sign up to have a Culturefest Exhibit Table
- Sign up to have a Culturefest Food Table
- Sign up to offer a Children’s Activity
- Sign up to help coordinate Culturefest
Participate in the Style Show
All members of the campus and local communities are invited to participate in the Style Show at 3pm. Showcase your traditional clothing as you walk down the Culturefest runway. We will provide culturally appropriate music to the best of our ability.
Media Coverage
Thank you to our sponsors!

International Dance Festival
Click the images below to view the live stream of the afternoon International Dance Festival performance at 2 p.m. EST on Saturday, February 22, 2025, or to view the live stream of the evening performance at 7 p.m. EST on Saturday, February 22, 2025.
About IDF
The International Dance Festival is a student-led initiative, which started in 2005. Today, it is one of the biggest and most anticipated events on campus by the whole UMaine community and the broader Bangor area. International Dance Festival showcases an array of traditional music, dance and costumes of our diverse student body at UMaine. It is held annually on the third Saturday of February at the Collins Center for the Arts.
Two free performances featuring dances from around the world are scheduled. Showtimes are 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Doors open one hour before show time. The International Dance Festival is free and organized by the Office of International Programs and the International Student Association. Information about the dance festival is available by calling the Office of International Programs at 207-581-3437.
Information for Participants
Registration for participants is OPEN! Due to the short time frame for rehearsals we need to register groups as soon as possible.
The registration link is LIVE on our dance fest Participant Page. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER.
International Dance Fesitval Quick View
Date: February 22, 2025
Time: 2 PM and 7 PM Doors are open one hour before the show.
Admission: Free
Seating: General Admission- doors open 1 hour before the show.
Place: Collins Center for the Arts (CCA) at University of Maine
Address: 2 Flagstaff Rd., Orono, ME 04469
Tel: 207-581-1755
Directions to the Collins Center for The Arts can be found here.
From the South on I-95, take exit 191 to Kelly Road and turn right. Continue on Kelly Road for 1 mile until you reach the traffic light, then turn left onto Route 2 and go through downtown Orono. Cross the river, then bear right onto Park Street. Continue 0.5 miles until you see a “University of Maine” sign on your left and a branch of Bangor Savings Bank. Turn left onto campus (Rangeley Road). At the fork, bear left and you will see two huge parking lots. The brick and glass building is the Collins Center for the Arts (CCA).
From the North on I-95, take exit 193 to Stillwater Avenue and turn left. Drive straight for one mile and turn right onto College Avenue. Drive one mile and turn left onto the UMaine campus (Long Road). Follow the winding road 0.5 miles then turn right onto Flagstaff Road. The Collins Center for the Arts (CCA) will be directly ahead on the right after 0.2 miles. Parking is in front of the building on the left.
There is never a charge for parking. Please use the Belgrade and CCA lots, located on the front side of the building.
We strive to accommodate all of our guests. Below are just some of the accessibility services that we offer to ensure that your visit to the Collins Center is enjoyable.
Assistive Listening Devices
Amplification headsets are available for all Collins Center events. If you would like a hearing device during your visit, just ask our friendly staff upon your arrival.
Curb to Seat Service
Wheelchair pick-up directly in front of our main entrance is available for most performances. To request curb-to-seat service, please call our box office at 207.581.1755 in advance of the event date.
Accessible Restrooms
Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located on all floors of the CCA. Additionally, companion care restrooms are located on the ground floor.
Seating Accommodations
Wheelchair platform seating, wheelchair companion seating, chairs with or without arms, and seating areas without stairs are available upon request at time of ticket purchase. Designated wheelchair seating is available in the orchestra level of the Hutchins Concert Hall and back row of Minsky Recital Hall.
Elevator Access
Elevators are located on all levels; however, to get to your actual theater seats, most seats/rows will require the use of stairs unless otherwise requested.
Handicap parking
Available with proper vehicle placards or license plates in both the CCA and Belgrade parking lots located on the front side of the building.
Drop-off Location
Patrons can be dropped off at the front of the building on Flagstaff Road, which can be accessed from both the College Ave. and Park Street entrance to campus. The drop-off point is located approximately 30-feet from the building entrance.
If there’s anything else we can do to improve your experience, please let us know!
Tel: 581-1755
Seating Chart Visit:
Media Coverage
Thank you to our sponsors!