Invading Species, 2020

Thomas Griffith
Natural materials, 3D Printed PLA, Acrylic Paint, Latex

A terrarium offered much to my young life. I could nurture and care for plants, I could arrange the environment like a piece of art, they taught me how controlling too much would lead to failure, how neglectfulness would also lead to failure and there was this amazing tiny world that I could explore with my imagination. These were little worlds that seemed much like the worlds I would marvel at on sci-fi tv shows and in the comics. There were adventures and came with lessons which are things I love about Sci-Fi.

Grayscale photo of Thomas in an apron hitting an object with a mallet.

Artist Statement

Art has the power to broaden an audience’s perspective, and this is the core driver of why I care deeply for the arts and make art. With this as my motivation, my art is meant to provoke thought and emotion while challenging how the viewer sees the world around them from another angle.


To do this, I explore, record, augment, and blur the boundaries of different spaces where I invent and suggest narratives. I then invite others into a newly created space or invade others’ existing spaces with another space.  As I blur the boundaries in this way, I use narratives to speak towards social political and philosophical issues of the crazy world we live.