
There are many ways to become active in UMaine’s green community.  The major green groups are listed below:

The Green Team

UMaine’s Green Team is the only official student organization with the direct objective of creating efficiency and sustainability on the campus and in the community.  We work to achieve these goals by creating activities, participating in activities, and working on increasing awareness about sustainability issues.

Check out Green Team’s Instagram!

Green Campus Initiative

GCI’s Mission Statement: To develop a broad based, student-led effort toward environmental awareness and stewardship by promoting sustainable relationships between the ecological, economic and social systems on campus and in the local community.

Look at GCI’s website!

UMaine Climate Action (formerly known as Divest UMS)

UMaine Climate Action Instagram

Mission Statement: Student organization working for climate justice at the University of Maine
Meetings: Monday 6-7 PM, Totman Lounge, Memorial Union.