Forest Resources
The School of Forestry offers graduate study leading to a Master of Science or PhD in Forest Resources. Several faculty members in the School of Forest Resources (SFR) participate in the interdepartmental degrees offered through the Ecology and Environmental Sciences program.
Students may choose from a wide range of specialties including:
- Forest biological sciences (forest ecology and silviculture, forest genetics, soils, entomology, physiology, and pathology)
- Forest biometrics (inventory, modeling, remote sensing, GIS, and spatial analysis)
- Forest management
- Forest economics and policy
- Forest business administration
- Forest management and planning
- Forest operations science
- Wood science and technology (bioenergy, wood composites, wood engineering, renewable nanomaterials), and forest-based recreation, and tourism.
The forestry program at The University of Maine is one of the oldest in the United States with undergraduate degrees accredited since the early years of professional forestry in the United States.
- All graduate forestry degrees are offered under full University accreditation and, in addition, the Master of Forestry degree is accredited by the Society of American Foresters, meeting the educational requirements for professional licensure.
- In addition to meeting all of the requirements of the Graduate School, graduate students in the School of Forest Resources must select an advisory committee, develop a program of study, and prepare a thesis or project proposal as early in their programs as possible.
- The School of Forest Resources is housed in Nutting Hall, housing well-equipped laboratories for both basic and applied graduate research, greenhouse facilities on campus, and several field research stations throughout the state.
- As of May 2018, the Master of Science and Ph.D. programs offered by the School may be in one of the following concentrations: Forest Ecosystem Science, Forest Policy and Economics, Human Dimensions of Natural Resources, Bioproducts Engineering and Parks, Recreation and Tourism.
Degrees offered: PhD, MS
Program Format: On Campus
Application deadline: Rolling
Test Required: None
Contact: Shawn Fraver
Contact Email:
Program Website: Forest Resources