MAIS Project

Project Proposal
The student’s Advisory Committee is responsible for guiding the development of the Master Project and must approve a written Master Project proposal before a student begins their work on the project.
The proposal should include:

The Oral Defense
Students will give an oral presentation on their Master Project when it is completed. The Advisory Committee, the MAIS Policy Review Committee, and other interested students and faculty will be invited to the oral presentation. Sufficient time must be allowed when planning the project’s oral defense, to allow for appropriate scheduling and deadlines.
Don’t forget to submit a Notice of Oral Examination to the Graduate School at least two weeks before the scheduled defense.
The culmination of the MAIS program is the Master Project. The Master Project, which is independent work carried out with faculty guidance, demonstrates the ability to integrate materials from at least two fields of study. Projects may take a variety of forms. Those in written form, or written portions of a project, must adhere to the Guidelines for Thesis/Dissertation/Project Preparation.
Typical examples of work that may be done include:
Examples of specific Master Projects might be: