Carolyn Merriam, a candidate for Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology, will be defending her dissertation titled, "Migration and Management: How Does Habitat Fragmentation Affect the Movements and Survival of Migratory Species in a Perpetually Changing Environment?" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Carolyn Merriam at
Katherine Wing, a candidate for Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary MA with a concentration in Franco American Studies will be defending her thesis titled, "Her-Story: Her Voice in Franco-American History" […]
Gregory LeClair, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology and Environmental Sciences will be defending his dissertation titled, "Applications of Environmental DNA in Threatened Species Conservation." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Gregory LeClair at
Christopher Abela, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering will be defending his dissertation titled, "Failure of Smooth Grouted Post-Tension Anchors in Dams" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom […]