Matthew Moyet, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in School of Biology and Ecology will be defending his dissertation titled, "Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) as a Bioconversion Agent for the Utilization of Culled Potato Waste." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Matthew Moyet at
Connor Murphy, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Science and Engineering will be defending his dissertation titled, "Inhibition of Acyl-CoA Synthetase Long Chain (ACSL) Isozymes Decreases Multiple Myeloma Cell Proliferation, Mitochondrial Function and Affects Key Survival Pathways." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Connor Murphy at
Sean Sibley, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy will be defending his dissertation titled, "Objective Structured Clinical Examinations in Family Nurse Practitioner Education." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Sean Sibley at
Heather Manchester, a candidate for Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership will be defending her dissertation titled, "TEACHER PERCEPTIONS OF THE IMPACT OF AN OUTDOOR LEARNING PROGRAM FOR FIFTH GRADERS: A CASE STUDY." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Heather Manchester at
Anita Hopkins, a candidate for Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership will be defending her dissertation titled, "Examining the Impact of Implementation Fidelity Mandates on Instructional Practices in K-8 Settings: A Critical Qualitative Study." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Anita Hopkins at