Jordan Parks, a candidate for Master of Science in Plant, Soil, and Environmental Science will be defending his thesis titled, "Deconstructing the Art of Physical Weed Control." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Jordan Parks at
Mubarak Khlewee, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering, will be defending his dissertation titled, "THE INFLUENCE OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER ON THE SETTING RATE OF ADHESIVES BETWEEN POROUS SUBSTRATES." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Mubarak Khlewee at
Caitlin Hillery, a candidate for Master of Science in Food Science and Human Nutrition will be defending her thesis titled, "Post-harvest treatment effects on physical quality attributes of North Atlantic squid Doryteuthis pealeii and Illex illecebrosus." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Caitlin Hillery at
Temitope Omokinde, a candidate for Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering will be defending his thesis titled, "Optimum condition for soil carbonation and efficient CO2 consumption in a lime-treated silt." […]
Paul Fink, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Spatial Information Science and Engineering will be defending his thesis titled, "ACCESSIBLE AUTONOMY: EXPLORING INCLUSIVE AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE INTERACTIONS FOR PEOPLE WHO […]
Peter Kelly, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry will be defending his dissertation titled, "Effects of fibril morphology and interfacial interactions on the behavior of polymer-grafted cellulose nanofibril reinforced thermoplastic composites." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Peter Kelly at
Alexandra Requena, a candidate for Master of Arts in English will be defending their thesis titled, "Caelum." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Alexandra at
Sadia Crosby, a candidate for Master of Science in Entomology will be defending her thesis titled, "Browntail Moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea) Integrated Pest Management Program: Evaluation of Monitoring Traps and Biopesticides." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Sadia Crosby at
Kritee Pokharel, a candidate for Master of Science in Chemical Engineering will be defending her thesis titled, "The Influence of Pre Coating Layers on Barrier Coating." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Kritee Pokharel at
Jane Ellingwood, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Higher Education, will be defending her dissertation titled, "COMMUNITY COLLEGE CHIEF ACADEMIC OFFICERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF THE PIPELINE FOR THE PRESIDENCY." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Jane Ellingwood at
Stephanie Willsey, a candidate for Master of Science in Forest Resources will be defending her thesis titled, "Developing an enhanced forest inventory in Maine using airborne laser scanning: The role of calibration plot design and data quality." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Stephanie Willsey at
Juan Sebastian Carvajal Munoz, a candidate for Master of Science in Civil Engineering will be defending his thesis titled, "Performance of Helical Piles Retrofitted with a Novel Collar Vane Under […]
Cong Chen, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources, will be defending her dissertation titled, "Development of Food Packaging Films Based on Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs)." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Cong Chen at
Ashley Soucy, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Science will be defending her dissertation titled, "DEFINING THE ROLE OF RAB27A IN REGULATING THORACIC AORTA VASOACTIVITY." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Ashley Soucy at
Gabrielle Hillyer, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology and Environmental Sciences, National Research Traineeship Specialization in Conservation Science, will be defending her dissertation titled, "Collaborative and Engaged Research to Strengthen Equity and Adaptive Governance in Co-Managed Fisheries" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Gabrielle Hillyer at
Alyssa McGlynn, a candidate for Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering will be defending her thesis titled, "DEVELOPMENT, VERIFICATION, AND USE OF ACTIVE MOORING SIMULATORS FOR SCALE MODEL TESTING OF FLOATING OFFSHORE WIND TURBINES AT 1:50 AND 1:70 SCALE." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Alyssa McGlynn at
Oluwafemi Alaba, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences, will be defending his dissertation titled, "IMPACTS OF CLIMATE WARMING ON NUTRITIONAL QUALITY AND SOIL BACTERIAL COMMUNITIES OF WILD BLUEBERRIES." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Oluwafemi Alaba at
Mackenzie Todd, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering will be defending her dissertation titled, "Solid Acid Catalyzed Dehydration of Biomass-Derived Alcohols." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Mackenzie Todd at
Graduate Student Recruiter Jason Aylmer will be tabling at Kilburn Commons on the UMaine Machias Campus on Thursday, April 20, 2023 from 11:00am-1:00 pm. Stop by and learn more about graduate school at the University of Maine.
Evelyn Layland, a candidate for Master of Science in Marine Biology will be defending her thesis titled, "Ontogeny of size-specific prey selection and prey handling behavior of larval lobster (Homarus americanus)." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Evelyn Layland at
Md Ibrahim Khalil, a candidate for Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering will be defending his thesis titled, "EFFECT OF PARTICLE TRANSFER ON RIGID AND SOFT RODS." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Md Ibrahim Khalil at
Fuyu Xu, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, will be defending her dissertation titled, "DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATIONS OF SIMILARITY MEASURES FOR SPATIAL-TEMPORAL EVENT AND SETTING SEQUENCES." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Fuyu Xu at
Madeline Bruegger, a candidate for Master of Arts in English will be defending her thesis titled, "Navigating the Kaleidoscope of Object(ive)s: A User-Experience Approach to Cultural-Historical Activity Theory" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Madeline Bruegger at
Deborah Ngabanyi Sebagisha, a candidate for Master of Science in Chemical Engineering will be defending her thesis titled, "Disinfection Applications of On-site Hypochlorous Acid Production." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Deborah Ngabanyi Sebagisha at
Madison Brown, a candidate for Master of Arts in English will be defending her thesis titled, "Hattie: A Twin Territories Matriarch." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Madison Brown at
Rebecca Stanely, a candidate for Master of Science in the School of Forest Resources will be defending her thesis titled, "AN ASSESSMENT OF VISITOR USE EXPERIENCES WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FIRST-YEAR CADILLAC MOUNTAIN RESERVATION SYSTEM IN ACADIA NATIONAL PARK, MAINE." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Rebecca Stanely at
Chase Flaherty, a candidate for Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, will be defending his thesis titled, "Feasibility of Thermoplastic Extrusion Welding as a Joining Method for Vacuum-assisted Additively Manufactured Tooling." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Chase Flaherty at
Zachary Hutchinson, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, will be defending his dissertation titled, "Artificial Dendritic Neuron: a Model of Computation and Learning Algorithm" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Zachary Hutchinson at
Alysha Dagg, a candidate for Master of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders will be defending her thesis titled, "Effects of 'PEERS® For Young Adults' on Anxiety and Quality of Life for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Alysha Dagg at
Graduate Student Recruiter Vincent Scott will be tabling at the Student Center Corridor on the UMaine Farmington Campus on Friday, April 21, 2023 from 11:45am-1:00 pm. Stop by and learn more about graduate school at the University of Maine.