Amirhossein Shahlaeegilan, a candidate for Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering, will be defending his thesis titled, "MODELING THE IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON SPEEDING AT RURAL […]
Nicholas Soucy, a candidate for Master of Science in Computer Science, will be defending his thesis titled, "Performance Enhancement of Hyperspectral Semantic Segmentation Leveraging Ensemble Networks." Zoom meeting: For the […]
Meredith Helmick, a candidate for Master of Science in Earth and Climate Science, will be defending her thesis titled, "Investigation of Cryptotephra in Polar Ice Cores." Zoom meeting: For the […]
Amelia Sullivan, a candidate for Master of Science in Food Science & Human Nutrition, will be defending her thesis titled, “THE ROLE FOOD SECURITY, FINANCIAL LITERACY, AND NUTRITION LITERACY PLAY […]