Christine Hale, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Science, will be defending her dissertation titled, “GENETIC DETERMINANTS OF PRIMARY NOCICEPTOR SENSITIVITY IN DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER." For the Zoom link and password, please contact Christine at
Prianka Maria Sarker, a candidate for Master of Science in Economics, will be defending her thesis titled, “Income and Food Insecurity within Households: Evidence from a Universal Income Transfer." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Prianka at
A S M Mohaiminul Islam, a candidate for Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering, will be defending his thesis titled, “GENERALIZING THE NEGATIVE BINOMIAL-LINDLEY MODEL FOR ACCOUNTING SUBPOPULATION […]
Katlyn Schulz, a candidate for Master of Science in Forest Resources, will be defending her thesis titled, “Effect of Harvesting on Lowland Northern White-Cedar Stand Structure, Composition, and Ecophysiology." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Katlyn at
Carol Patterson-Martineau, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in History, will be defending her dissertation titled, “Reconciliationism and the Professionalization of History: A Case Study in the Legacy of White Supremacy and Abuse of History in Early 20th Century History Textbooks." For the Zoom link and password, please contact Carol at
Mary Klinko, a candidate for Master of Science in Economics, will be defending her thesis titled, “ANALYSIS OF U.S. LABOR MARKET MATCHING EFFICIENCIES AND NEW HIRES RATES BY GENDER, ECONOMIC SECTOR, AND STATE." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Mary at
Ryan Smith, a candidate for Master of Science in Forest Resources, will be defending his thesis titled, “Form and Risk Class Distribution and its Effects On Product Recovery in Maine's […]