Logan Woodyard, a candidate for Master of Science in Forest Resources, will be defending her thesis titled, “Quantifying the Carbon Sequestration and Economic Potential of Natural Climate Solutions from Maine’s Working Forests." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Logan at logan.woodyard@maine.edu
Gabrielle Sherman, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Resources, will be defending her dissertation titled, “Socio-Economic Resilience of Natural Resource Dependent Communities" Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Gabrielle at Gabrielle.Sherman@maine.edu
Zachary Davis, a candidate for Master of Science in Resource Economics and Policy, will be defending his thesis titled, “Outdoor Place Attachment Influences Future Residential Aspirations of Rural Youth." Zoom meeting: For the Zoom link and password, please contact Zachary at zachary.t.davis@maine.edu