Athletic Administration

A graduate certificate in athletic administration responds to a growing need for well-prepared athletic directors to organize and manage complex athletic programs in Maine’s schools professionally and equitably. In June 2022, the Maine Department of Education (MDOE) substantially changed the requirements for many certifications, including revisions to the Athletic Director (215) certification. In addition to newly defined coursework standards, the renewal of athletic director certification now requires building-level administrator certification. The Educational Leadership program at the University of Maine is well positioned to help candidates to meet these certification requirements. Participants in the program will learn about organizational behavior, leadership principles and strategies, legal issues, and ethical leadership grounded in diversity and equity. Ideal candidates include educators currently working as athletic directors, educators who may wish to take on a new role as an athletic director, educators who want to make themselves more marketable for potential employees, and educators who want to consider using the AA certificate as a stepping stone into the M.Ed. in Educational Leadership program. Students who complete the three-course certification program and hold an appropriate MDOE administrator certification can immediately apply for an Athletic Director (215) certification. Students who do not have the required administrator certification can stack the AA certificate with the Try on Leadership (TOL) certificate. Completing both certificates will enable students to apply for Athletic Director (215) and Assistant Principal (045) certification from MDOE.

Degrees offered: Graduate Certificate

Program Format:

Application deadline: Rolling

Test Required: None

Contact: Maria Frankland

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