How do I…? Build a Successful Academic Network

By: Amanda Rose

One of the pieces of graduate school that doesn’t often get talked about are the opportunities that become available for building a network that will not only carry you through your graduate study, but throughout your career afterwards, providing you opportunities you might not already have. What follows is a selection from the Graduate School’s most recent whitepaper: Building a Successful Academic Network: A Comprehensive Guide for Graduate Students.

Here we will cover:

  • How to select the right academic advisor for you
  • How to work effectively with classmates

Our FREE whitepaper also includes valuable information about

  • Making conferences and networking events count
  • Building robust connections online
  • Engaging with professionals in your field
  • Leveraging alumni networks

And much more!

Selecting the Right Advisor

Selecting the right graduate-level advisor is a critical decision that significantly impacts your academic and professional development. Selecting an advisor is a personal decision, and it’s crucial to choose someone who aligns with your academic and professional goals. Take the time to research potential advisors, ask thoughtful questions during interviews, and gather as much information as possible to make an informed decision about the advisor who will guide you through your graduate studies.

First, choose an advisor whose research aligns closely with your interests. This ensures that you will be engaged and motivated to contribute meaningfully to the research projects under their guidance. It is also important to consider the advisor’s expertise and track record in their field of study. A well-established advisor with a strong publication record indicates a robust research environment, which can positively impact your research experience.

As with any healthy and functional relationship, open and transparent communication is key. Early in your selection process, clarify expectations regarding meetings, progress updates, and feedback to ensure mutual understanding. While some advisors may prefer regularly scheduled meetings, others may have an open-door policy. Once you have selected your advisor, be sure to clearly define mutual expectations regarding research goals, timelines, and work ethic, which will ensure a shared understanding of the academic journey and minimize potential conflicts. Above all, choose an advisor whose communication style aligns with your particular set of preferences and needs.

Working With Classmates

When working with your classmates in a group situation, there are a lot of tools you can use to set up clear communication channels for the group, such as a dedicated email thread, messaging platform, or regular meetings. Consistent and open communication is key to successful collaboration. Use collaborative tools and platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or project management apps to facilitate the efficient sharing of resources and collaborative work. Plan regular check-ins, either in person or through another digital means, to discuss progress, address challenges, and strategize on the next steps. These meetings provide a structured forum for collaboration and keep the project on track.

Once your group has been formed, clearly define the objectives of the study group, this ensures that everyone is on the same page. Within the group, clearly define each member’s roles and responsibilities. This helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that everyone contributes meaningfully. If your group decides to create a leadership role, consider rotating who takes the lead. This allows everyone to take on different responsibilities and promotes a shared sense of ownership. Actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and contribute insights. A dynamic and engaged study group is more likely to foster meaningful connections among its members. Embrace the diversity of backgrounds and perspectives within the study group. Learning from different viewpoints enriches the academic experience and promotes a collaborative atmosphere. When your group reaches milestones and achievements, celebrate them as a group. This fosters a positive team dynamic and encourages a sense of shared success.