Meet the Officers

Eyan Fennelly - President

Major: Earth and Climate Sciences

Hello! My name is Eyan Fennelly, and I am currently a senior majoring in Earth and Climate Sciences. I have been interested in geology ever since I was young, especially in Maine, my home state. I primarily work on petrology and geochemistry related projects, however I am also an avid rockhound and I am very proud of my home collection. Outside of geology, I enjoy hiking, fishing, gardening, and playing guitar. After this year I plan on staying at the University of Maine to pursue my master’s degree. Stop by and say hi if you want to talk about collecting rocks!

Eyan Fennelly posing on a bedrock outcrop

Thomas sitting on the group looking at a sample he just broke off

Thomas Korstanje - Vice President

Major: Earth and Climate Sciences

Howdy! My name is Thomas Korstanje and I am a senior in the Earth and Climate Sciences program.  I am relatively new to geology, but have been fascinated with our planet since I was a kid growing up on Mount Desert Island. I focus on the intersection of earth science and computer science and spend a lot of time coding and using GIS software. Outside of geology I love hiking, canoeing and learning new things.

Angelina Bucco - Secretary

Major: Earth and Climate Sciences

Hi everyone! My name is Angelina Bucco, and I am a 3rd-year earth and climate science major with a minor in anthropology. I’m interested in the ways climate change impacts different aspects of the earth’s system as well as human populations across the globe. I love being outside, and any activity that includes that – hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, collecting random rocks, the list goes on.

Angelina holding a rock

Meg sitting on steps

Meagan Lotrionte - Treasurer

Major: Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Hi! I’m meg and I am an ecology and environmental sciences major with a concentration in earth and climate sciences! My favorite mineral is watermelon tourmaline and I love hiking!!

Kavya Dayananth - Outreach Coordinator

Major: Earth and Climate Sciences

Hey! My name is Kavya Dayananth, and I’m the Social Media and Community Outreach officer for this year. I’m a junior studying Earth and Climate Sciences with a minor in Sustainability. I love to travel and explore new places whenever I can, and the next stop on my bucket list is to hopefully get out somewhere that I can experience the northern lights. I also enjoy crocheting and reading. I hang around the BGSC most days. If you ever see me around, please come say hi! 

Kavya holding a rock hammer and a cool sample she collected