Membership Options

The Frontier Institute for Research in Sensor Technologies (FIRST) is an interdisciplinary research unit at the University of Maine and is open to faculty in the University of Maine System with a scientific interest in basic science and technology relating to advanced materials and sensor systems.  Affiliation with FIRST can be in the form of joint membership or associate membership according to the criteria given below:


(These appointments are generally made at time of initial hire, but can be considered after initial appointment.)

The joint member of FIRST will:

  1. Work closely with the Director to develop and pursue a mutually agreeable plan for research.
  2. Lead research projects and publish research papers closely aligned with and supportive of FIRST’s mission, acknowledging FIRST affiliation (along with Home Departmental affiliations) in publications.
  3. Conduct most (if not all) of their research projects (grants, industrial projects, etc.) through FIRST. Except for private consulting agreements, the grants and contracts will be administered by FIRST.
  4. Recruit and mentor undergraduate students to participate in research experiences and pursue funding opportunities to support student-training activities.
  5. Foster collaborative research activities with other institute members and its external collaborators to promote synergistic and complementary research.
  6. Participate in all FIRST activities including research meetings and collaborations, peer evaluation, outreach, policy decisions, and infrastructure support.
  7. Joint members are entitled to:
    1. Vote on all matters relating to FIRST
    2. Get first priority in accessing FIRST facilities on a case-by-case basis.
    3. Get first priority in incentive awards and other resources as they become available at FIRST.

Membership will typically be evaluated every five years.  It may also be terminated at any time by administrative approval if the above expectations are not fulfilled.


(These are open to current faculty members in the UMS system.  An associate member can apply for joint membership, provided they are willing to fulfill the conditions of joint membership listed above.)

An associate member of FIRST will:

  1. Conduct significant part of their research in FIRST with grants or contracts administered or co-administered by FIRST
  2. Have a vote on matters relating to their activities in FIRST
  3. Get preferential treatment to access FIRST facilities and resources
  4. May have access to various FIRST funds and incentive awards, as they become available.
  5. Must submit publications, proposals, and mentor students acknowledging FIRST affiliation.

Associate members will be evaluated every two years by FIRST to determine the contribution of the associate member to FIRST activities and to decide on a continuation of the associate membership.


External collaborators from outside the University of Maine System can also become members of FIRST on a case-by-case basis.  Please contact the FIRST office for external membership options.

To inquire about joining FIRST, please contact Dr. Sharmila Mukhopadhyay, Director, at