To Apply: After clicking on the APPLY NOW button, you may need to create an account with the Graduate School. Once you are logged into your account, you will choose “Certificate” for your Application Type, “Blended”, and “Materials Science & Engineering (Cert)” for your options.

Summer 2025

NEW: Advances in Materials 1 (INT 540/MEE 522) is now open for registration. Classes run 5/12/25 to 6/20/25.

Learning Objectives:

Students will develop an understanding of the fundamental science and engineering principles relevant to materials that include the relationships between nano/microstructure, characterization, properties, processing, performance, and design of materials. Specific outcomes include:

  • an ability to articulate differences between different types of materials.
  • an ability to predict how the atomistic structure of a material relates to its structural and functional properties.
  • an ability to understand the capabilities and interpret the results of common materials analysis tools.
  • an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed in the field of materials, using appropriate learning strategies.

Curriculum Requirements:

The certificate requires completion of four courses. While some of the courses will have hybrid or on-line options, students will be required to travel to the University of Maine for a 4-day visit to become familiar with selected facilities that support advances in MSE. Students will obtain the certificate by completing four courses with a grade of C or above and at least Grade of B or above in two of these courses.


  • Two core courses – Advances in Materials I and II (INT-540-541/ MEE-520-521)
  • Two elective courses to be selected from the following list:

Tentative List of Electives:

  • ECE 465: Introduction to Sensors
  • ECE 466/598: Sensor Technology and Instrumentation
  • SFR 570: Cellulose Nanomaterials and their Composites
  • BEN 502: Advanced Materials in Bio-inspired Engineering
  • CIE 543: Introduction to Composite Materials in Civil Engineering
  • PHY 500: Topics in Materials Science – Thin Film Technology
  • PHY 624: Solid State Physics I
  • MEE 555: Smart materials
  • CHE 533: Introduction to Polymer Processing
  • CHE 540: Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
  • CHY 573: Computer Simulation Methods
  • CHY 578: Nanoscience
  • CHY 571: Topics in Advanced Physical Chemistry
  • CIE 542: Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
  • CIE 543: Introduction to Composite Materials in Civil Engineering
  • CIE 598: Environmental Nanotechnology
  • CIE 648: Fracture Mechanics
  • ECE 663: Design and Fabrication of Surface Wave Devices
  • CHY 541: Topics in Analytical Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Vacuum Techniques
  • SFR 570: Cellulose Nanomaterials and their Composites
  • MEE 441/541: Manufacturing and Testing of Composites
  • SFR 550: Wood-Polymer Hybrid Composites
  • BEN 402: Biomaterials and the Cellular Interface
  • SFR 456/556: Physical and Mechanical Properties of Sustainable Materials