Nicholas Bingham
Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy
Address: 5708 ESRB-Barrows, Room 253
Telephone: 207-581-4253
- 2013 Ph.D., University of South Florida
- 2008 M.S., Colorado State University
- 2005 B.S., Colorado Mesa University
Research Interests:
- Nanoscale materials
- Surface and interfacial physics of thin films
- Structural, magnetic, and electronic phase transitions in materials
- Quantum materials and sensors
- Spectroscopy and imaging with synchrotron radiation
Professor Bingham holds a joint assistant professor position within the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Frontiers Institute for Research in Sensor Technologies (FIRST). He finished his Ph.D. in 2013 from the University of South Florida, held a joint postdoctoral fellowship with ETH-Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland and was awarded an NRC fellowship at the Naval Research Laboratory. Most recently, he was a research faculty member at Yale University.
Professor Bingham’s research group is interested in understanding the cooperation between electronic, magnetic, and structural phases in thin films from both a fundamental physics point of view as well as for potential sensing applications. His group currently has projects ranging from collective magnetic phenomena in nanomagnets, strain modulated metal to insulator transitions for sensing applications, and novel phases at interfaces.
Selected publications:
- Collective ferromagnetism of artificial square spin ice, NS Bingham, X Zhang, J Ramberger, O Heinonen, C Leighton, P Schiffer, Physical Review Letters 129, 6 (2022).
- Experimental realization of the 1D random field Ising model, NS Bingham, S Rooke, J Park, A Simon, W Zhu, X Zhang, J Batley, JD Watts, C Leighton, KA Dahmen, P Schiffer, Physical Review Letters 127, 20 (2021)
- Experimental observation of vortex rings in a bulk magnet, C Donnelly, KL Metlov, V Scagnoli, M Guizar-Sicairos, M Holler, NS Bingham, J Raabe, LJ Heyderman, NR Cooper, S Gliga, Nature Physics, 17 (3) (2021).
- Probing spin fluctuations in NaOsO3 by muon spin rotation and NMR spectroscopy, N Gurung, C Wang, NS Bingham, J Verezhak, K Yamaura, G Allodi, P Caterina Forino, S Sanna, H Luetkens, V Scagnoli, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 335802 (2021).
- Control of metal-insulator transition temperature in VO2 thin films grown on RuO2/TiO2 templates by strain modification, H Kim, NA Charipar, J Figueroa, NS Bingham, A Pique, AIP Advances 9, 015302 (2019).
- Observation of the out-of-plane magnetization in a mesoscopic ferromagnetic structure superjacent to a superconductor, AK Suszka, S Gliga, P Warnicke, S Wintz, S Saha, KM Charipar, H Kim, P Wohlhuter, E Kirk, S Finizio, J Raabe, JDS Witt, LJ Heyderman, and NS Bingham, Applied Physics Letters 113, 162601 (2018).
- Ultrafast Phase Transition Dynamics in Strained Vanadium Dioxide Films, RJ Suess, NS Bingham, KM Charipar, H Kim, SA Mathews, A Pique, NA Charipar, Advanced Materials:Interfaces, 1700810 (2017).
- Interfacial room temperature magnetism and enhanced magnetocaloric effect in strained La66Ca0.34MnO3/BaTiO3heterostructures, NS Bingham, AK Suszka, CAF Vaz, H Kim, and L J Heyderman, Physical Review B 96 (2), 024419 (2017).