Amy Kireta

What year and semester did you begin EES graduate studies?
Fall 2012

What degree are you pursuing?

Who is your academic advisor/s?
Dr. Jasmine Saros

What prior degrees do you have?
B.A. Psychology, University of Akron
M.S. Biology, Bowling Green State University

Why did you choose to attend grad school at UMaine? Why did you choose EES?
I appreciate the interdisciplinary nature of EES and the Adaptation to Abrupt Climate Change IGERT program. I had been living on the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and knew UMaine would also offer me natural beauty and opportunity for outdoor adventures.

Briefly describe the research project you are working on.
I will be investigating past climate change in the Laurentian Great Lakes using diatom algae to understand some of the changes that occurring now.

What have been your favorite classes at UMaine so far? If you are new to UMaine, which classes are you most looking forward to taking?
Environmental Security with Capt. Settele

What has been your most rewarding research experience and why? If you are new to UMaine, what are your research goals?
To have a broadened perspective about research and outreach in the Great Lakes

What advice do you have for prospective graduate students?
Find a project you are passionate about, and an adviser who is supportive in a way that best suits you. Talk frankly with students currently in the lab you would like to join.

Are you interested in mentoring undergraduates?