EES Welcomes Dr. Kate Ruskin

KateEES is pleased to announce that Dr. Kate Ruskin will be joining the EES program on August 1 as our new Lecturer and Undergraduate Coordinator in Ecology and Environmental Sciences. The faculty, students, and staff of EES enjoyed interacting with Kate during her campus visit and were impressed by her teaching skill, background, and breadth of knowledge. Dr. Ruskin will teach EES 117: Introduction to Ecology and Environmental Science, EES 217: Field Problems in EES: The Acadia Lessons Project and EES 100: Human Population in a Global Environment. She will also develop upper level courses for our program and field and internship opportunities for our undergraduates. As Undergraduate Coordinator, Kate will represent EES at Admissions Events, coordinate outreach activities, and advise students. According to Kate she “integrate(s) teaching, research and outreach to advance conservation in a changing world, with emphasis on birds, large-scale ecology, climate, and management.” In addition, she has a strong track record of successfully mentoring undergraduates and working with volunteers. Kate received her Ph.D in EES at UMaine in 2015 and her B.A in Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Biology with a minor in English from Columbia University. Her familiarity with our program and the faculty, breadth and depth of knowledge in ecology and environmental sciences will be a tremendous asset to our undergraduates. Welcome, Kate!