UMaine Graduate School announces 2018 fellowship award competitions
The UMaine Graduate School has just released the announcement for the 2018 fellowship award competitions. The first set of these (Waldron and Hunter fellowships) are due in December. It should be emphasized that you must be nominated by EES to be considered for these awards. This means I need to have all the packets before the nomination deadline in December. If you would like to be considered for the Waldron or Hunter fellowship (see attached), please send your materials to EES Graduate Coordinator Hamish Greig by Tuesday November 27 @ 4:30pm.
To be considered for an EES nomination, please email EES Graduate Coordinator Hamish Greig:
- The award-specific materials listed on the attached document
- Your current program (MS, non-thesis MS, or PhD)
- Your GRE scores
- The year you began your current program
- Your current UMaine GPA
- The name of previously attended institutions (both graduate and undergraduate)
- The years you attended those institutions
- The GPAs you received there
The deadlines for the Chase assistantships and tuition scholarships (Atlantic, Thurgood Marshall, and Trustee) will be after the new year.