Stable Isotope Laboratory

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Contact: Dr. Karl Kreutz

Measuring the isotopic composition of snow and ice at high latitudes and altitudes is a common practice used in paleoclimate studies. By analyzing the isotope signals in modern precipitation and other natural waters, we can gain a better understanding of the meteoric processes that create the isotopic signature found in historical records. The Stable Isotope Lab (SIL) at the Climate Change Institute, University of Maine, specializes in measuring and interpreting the light stable isotopic ratios (delD/H and del18O) in water, ice, and snow. Samples are primarily collected from high latitude and altitude locations across the globe, but precipitation and water samples from lower latitudes are also studied to research the dynamics of the hydrologic cycle. The SIL serves the research needs of the Institute’s faculty, staff, graduate students, and UMaine undergraduate students, and its staff collaborates with researchers both within and outside the university. Currently, the SIL operates a Picarro Model L-2130i Cavity Ringdown Spectrometer with a vaporizer optimized for ice core analysis. Research opportunities are available in various projects related to isotope geochemistry, and interested students are encouraged to contact us.

Method: Douglas S. Introne. (2021). UMaine CCI Stable Isotope Laboratory Procedures (1.0). Zenodo.