Catching up on summer news – Johnson awarded grant; new climate station
Although we didn’t report any of it here, members of ERS made plenty of news this summer. Over the next couple weeks, we’ll post many of those items, a few at a time. To start things off…
- Scott Johnson and colleague Dr. Senthil Vel (UM Mechanical Engineering) were funded by the National Science Foundation to investigate the role of rock structure and microstructure on seismic wave speed anisotropy in Earth’s continental crust. The ultimate aim is to use wave speed anisotropy to remotely sense the structure of the crust, which can then be used to infer how the crust flows during tectonic plate interactions.
- The Department is currently finalizing the installation of 4 solar panels on the roof of the Bryand Global Sciences Center, and a full climate station on the grounds nearby. The data collected from these will be used in undergraduate course assignments and research projects.