Matthew Dube

Office: Art Building, Rm. 113
UMA Augusta Campus

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  • University of Maine, 2016, PhD Spatial Information Science and Engineering
  • University of Maine, 2009, MS Spatial Information Science and Engineering
  • University of Maine, 2007, BA Mathematics and Statistics

Research Interests

Dr. Dube is an Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems at the University of Maine at Augusta, where his research focuses on geospatial reasoning and data science as they apply to real world problems and systems. His teaching regimen includes databases, data science, data analytics, programming, geography, and interdisciplinary studies. He works during the spring and summer as a baseball umpire and also works with the Upward Bound program at the University of Maine as an aspirations instructor and research mentor. Dr. Dube has spoken at many research conferences on geospatial topics and publishes and reviews in GIScience journals.