Enrolling in courses at other UMS campuses
How to register for courses at other campuses:
- For courses at USM, please contact:
- Bruce MacLeod <macleod@maine.edu>, RegisterUSM <registerusm@maine.edu>
- For courses at UMA, please contact:
- CIS449: Matt Dube (matthew.dube@maine.edu), UMA enrollment services (umaenrl@maine.edu)
- Cybersecurity courses: Henry Felch (henry.felch@maine.edu), UMA enrollment services (umaenrl@maine.edu)
- DSC525: Rocko Graziano (rocko.graziano@maine.edu), UMA enrollment services (umaenrl@maine.edu)
Transferring credits from other campuses to your UM graduate record:
To transfer the credits back to your UM graduate record, please fill out the Program of Study by the end of the semester; it needs to include the course taken at the other campus indicated at “T”. Please send the Program of Study to Emily Kuhlmann (emily.kuhlmann@maine.edu) and she will transfer the credits.
- Program of Study for MS: POS for MC
- Program of Study for Graduate Certificate: POS for certificates
If you have financial support at UM:
If you have financial support (such as a graduate assistantship), please fill out and submit a Domestic Study away form. (form)