DSE Internships and Graduate Projects

If you plan to do a DSE589 Graduate Project course or a DSE590 Internship course in the following, please contact the DSE Director Dr. Nittel ahead of time. Approval for both courses is necessary.

DSE 589 Graduate Project

  • Please contact the DSE Director Dr. Nittel in the semester prior to the Graduate Project for approval. The request for approval includes the Graduate Project Advisor Faculty and the theme for the project course.

DSE 590 Data Science and Engineering Internship

  • Utilization of knowledge gained from the information systems graduate program within a business, non-profit or government organization and acquisition of practical training.
  • Prerequisites & Notes: Successful completion of nine credits of required courses in a school graduate program.
  • Student needs to acquire permission to enroll in Internship course by filling out this form and submitting it to the Graduate Coordinator in the semester prior to the internship.
  • (DSE590 Internship Form)