Looking to create a quick, non metal sheet part? Look no further! This page has the operating settings and a video tutorial for our Glow Forge laser cutter.
The Crosby Hall Arduino library contains code for GPS guided vehicles, data logging, and general training on the use of this device.
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Want to make your own circuit boards? KiCAD is free software that allows the user to create a schematic, associate the symbols to actual devices, and layout the connection tracks.
The library contains projects for allowing frequency to voltage conversion, off grid solar power management systems, strain gauge amplifier breakout boards, digital to analog converters, power switching for motor drives, and more.
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This library contains the design files for much of the custom lab equipment designed at Crosby Hall such as the Newton’s law of cooling experiment and customized haptic paddle.
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This library contains the owner’s manual for the Tormach, the standard G-code header, and some example code.
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The 3018 is a great little tool for teaching full three axis milling. It runs Grbl to control its axis and Grbl Panel to send commands. It is even supported by Autodesk’s Fusion 360. It runs and feels just like a big machine but at a fraction of the price.
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This library contains the testing data for determining the accuracy of the standard Crosby GPS controller consisting of an Arduino Mega, Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger Shield(P/N# 1272), antenna(P/N# 960), and connector(P/N# 851).
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Create your own Windows programs with Microsoft’s free programming environment, Visual Studio. This library contains code snippets for functions such as using basic Windows controls, machine control through serial communication with an Arduino, datalogging, graphics, and creating real time graphs The full training course can be found here.
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Want to REALLY turn up Visual Studio with the latest state of the art format? We have it! Using C# and XAML you will be able to create fully resizeable interfaces for PC’s, Mac’s, cell phones, tablets, even the Raspberry Pi! There is even support for touch screen machine controls and virtual gauges.
Click the image to enter.
Want to learn standard industrial controls with programmable logic controllers(PLC)? The “Click” series use standard ladder logic much like Allen-Bradley, Siemens, or Mitsubishi only at a far more affordable price.
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Designing with Semiconductor Electronics
Strain Gauge Installation Guide
Running an electrical load with an arduino
Firing a GM LS2 spark coil ( Delco#12570616)
Adafruit Anemometer Calibration ( Link to PDF ) ( Link to JPG )
Using a laptop as a mobile Ethernet hot spot
Instron Operating Instructions
Consider Engineering – Rockets
Setting up a concurrent engineering design project
Electricity and heating fuel bill for the UMaine Orono campus
Design package presentation for the University of Kentucky