Welcome to the Crosby Hall website.  The University of Maine’s Crosby Hall supports a wide range of research as well as undergraduate laboratories, club spaces, and the Capstone senior design experience.

Here's what is new in Crosby Hall...

New Tech!!! - Touch Screen Machine Controller

It seems like the whole world has touch screen controls, from your car’s dash to your coffee maker to your smart watch.  Wouldn’t it be nice if we could teach our students how to control machines on the fly?  Now we can!  Check out the video series on how to implement this cool tech using Windows 10 IoT, Visual Studio, Arduinos, and Raspberry Pi.

New Tech!! - Crosby GPS Guidance System Gets A Display Upgrade

The Crosby GPS Guidance System is an Adafruit Ultimate Logger Shield on an Arduino Mega.  It was always good, logging location, heading, and distance to a destination.  The revised software adds a 20X4 LCD display so the user can see their data in real time.  Check it out.

New Tech!! - Drag And Drop Aircraft Instruments for Visual Studio

Ever want to make a simple flight simulator?  These beautiful gauges were created Guillaume Chouteau.  Later they were turned into discreet drag and drop Visual Studio user controls by Stephen Abbadessa.  They would make an interesting addition to your next controls project.