Welcome to A Climate Chronology. This project was inspired by my first career managing complex litigation, where creating a chronology of important events was a key strategy. Under development since 2012, this chronology has been a resource for students in my environmental law and climate policy courses. It is a 230 page searchable color-coded record of events in climate science, U.S. policy, and international policy, starting in 1824. It is updated every January. With references and web links to documents, news, and commentary, it is intended as a springboard for research, contemplation, and action.
Another iteration is underway. We will be seeking funding for development of a selective illustrated timeline of the most pivotal events in the full chronology. A pilot version of this concept is available below, developed by Jennifer Linton.
We invite you to send feedback to sharon.tisher@maine.edu.
Partial funding for this project provided by the Clement and Linda McGillicuddy Humanities Center