Virtual program You're invited to attend a workshop for University of Maine System faculty from any discipline to learn how to integrate cutting-edge geospatial technologies into courses. No prior experience […]
James Lang’s second edition of Small Teaching brings with it new evidence-based practices to improve student learning in bite-size pieces. The book connects powerful new research from cognitive theory with practical strategies for deploying these insights in a modern classroom. Lang sets out to use research from the learning sciences to offer faculty small, practical changes they […]
Hybrid (in-person but can accommodate remote participants) Alternate Wednesdays at 10:00am starting September 7th; opposite Wednesday can be reserved for asynchronous work Innovation in teaching provides exciting opportunities for research and scholarship on teaching practices. In this CoP, we will engage with peer mentoring and feedback as we: explore the fundamentals of the Scholarship of […]
The Digital Equity & E-Inclusion Community of Practice (DECoP) will bring together faculty interested in supporting, exploring, and cultivating a digital equity practice. Over the semester, participants will work on an aspect of their course to address through the lens of digital equity. Participants commit to the semester long program when you register (opens in […]
Hybrid, Biweekly, Fridays from 10:00-11:00am This is a collaborative, faculty-led, practically-oriented community focusing on fostering equity through developing our syllabi and engaging them meaningfully in class. The group will focus not only on “how-to” craft an inclusive/equity-centering syllabus, but how to continue to engage the syllabus throughout the semester toward fostering equity in the classroom […]
Virtual meetings (via Zoom) Teaching Gradually: Practical Pedagogy and Classroom Strategies for Graduate Students provides tools, methods, and insights that are useful in teaching today’s students but are often not explicitly covered in graduate training. Written by graduate teaching assistants, each chapter features topics and approaches in the classroom provided by graduate teaching assistants. Meetings […]