An informal discussion group for lecturers at UMaine to discuss teaching strategies, capacity building, methods of documenting teaching and learning, peer observations and other opportunities based on interest. All meeting […]
Using the book What Inclusive Instructors Do: Principles and Practices for Excellence in College Teaching (opens in new window) which helps to bridge the gap between theory and practice, this CoP will help […]
In-person, Fernald Hall Room 102 Students often join our classes not knowing how to learn effectively. We will define self-regulated learning, explore ways to bring discussions into your classroom that […]
In this community of practice faculty will be invited to take a critical eye to the assessment strategies they are using in their teaching. Over the course of the semester, we will use existing tools, education research and our own criteria to self evaluate course-level assessments for: 1) alignment 2) relevance 3) authenticity 4) universal […]
Interested in learning more about the research and evidence on effective teaching and improved learning? Want to have an energetic discussion about teaching over coffee with peers? This in-person discussion group will explore different topics in education research, research methods, and interpretation of results. Effort will be made to view research implications through an equity-minded […]