Virtual How do you balance quality of feedback with time investment? What are strategies faculty employ to ensure that students engage with their feedback? How do you tackle feedback at […]
This event has been postponed and will now be offered after SETs this semester - stay tuned for details! A Partner Event with Office of Institutional Research and Assessment (OIRA) […]
Location: 102 Fernald Hall Facilitators: Peter Schilling, Sheridan Adams, Karen Pelletreau More information coming soon! Register here (opens in a new window).
(Please note new date) Location: Fernald Hall, 1st floor Join UMaine's two new Associate Provosts and other academic leaders in a conversation around developing policies and approaches to rapidly […]
For Faculty, Students, & Staff! An interactive drop-in opportunity to reflect on experiences of racial equity in teaching and learning at a PWI such as UMaine. Visitors will have a […]
Virtual Institutions of higher education are becoming more deliberate at targeting future faculty and staff who can meaningfully contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. In addition to research and teaching statements, many job ads require separate statements that specifically address your commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in higher education. We will […]