Part-time/Adjunct Faculty Community of Practice
This community of practice is designed for part-time/adjunct faculty who would like the opportunity to learn more about engaging students, active teaching practices, and the challenges and opportunities that are distinct for part-time faculty. These meetings will be held virtually over Zoom. Possible topics of conversation are listed below, and each meeting will have an open forum to explore other topics, provide support, and gather feedback.
Meeting Time: Mondays from 6-7pm
Location: Virtual (registered participants will receive a Zoom invite)
Fall Meeting Dates & Tentative Topics
Monday, September 9th: Accessing and Leveraging Education Technologies
Monday, September 30th: Classroom Climate
Monday, October 21st: Making the Most of Student Feedback
Monday, November 11th: The Case for Active Learning
Monday, December 2nd: Course Design Principles
The Fall, 2019 cohort is full! Check back soon for future openings!