LMS Course Shell Combine Request

**UPDATED Jan 2023
It is advised that if an instructor wants a single course shell for distinct course (Mainestreet) sections, they should be coded as “cross-listed” on Mainestreet. The Office of Student Records has requested that CITL not combine sections manually in Brightspace, as doing so may lead to FERPA violations; details on this issue are available on the OSR FERPA page. If your department requests that the sections be cross-listed on Mainestreet then MaineStreet will automatically create a combined Brightspace course shell. If the above option is not available, there are three options on the Brightspace side:

  1. Keep two separate course shells and use the “copy components” feature to transfer course information from one course shell to the other. You can find our tutorial on how to do this here: How to import and copy items into a course.
  2. CITL can combine the course shells in Brightspace but we will have to turn off certain tools and features to avoid students seeing each other on the classlist. This would include features such as Classlist on navbar, Discussions, email address book, etc. If you were planning on using the discussion feature for the course then this option would not work. It also may make things like group work a bit more difficult if students are used to finding their classmates’ names and/or emails from the classlist to contact each other as they won’t have access to that.
  3. CITL can combine the course shells in Brightspace but we must turn on the Brightspace “Sections” feature. With this option, students would have to be manually added to each Brightspace Section (feature). Since this feature is not connected to Mainestreet enrollment, during the add/drop period, students would have to be manually updated in their Brightspace Sections (feature) which may be a tedious task if it’s a larger enrollment course. *Instructor is responsible for maintaining and updating the Brightspace Sections feature enrollments
With the understanding of the above, if you still decide to request the course shells combined, you must agree and select one of the options above in order to submit the request.

This form is used for the request to combine enrollments in Brightspace. This is not an official Mainstreet section combine/cross-listed request.

    Please refer the options detail above
  • i.e. ENG101
  • i.e. 2110.UMS05­-S.56789
    This is the course shell you want all other enrollments to be pushed in.
  • i.e. 2310.UMS05­-S.12345
    This is the course shell you want to push the enrolments into the primary course shell.
    * Use multiple lines on this field to enter multiple course shells.
    i.e. sections 1,2,3,5,6
  • Max. file size: 3 MB.
    Upload screenshot for reference
  • * Once all enrollment of all sections pushed into a primary course shell, You LMS would see all the enrollments as one course; this means that there is no automatic way to identify each student inside the primary shell what Mainestreet sections they are coming from. (*except perform option #3:Brightspace Sections feature manually)

    **It is important to know that this manual process will terminate the grade submission from Brightspace back to Mainestreet. All grades from this combined shell must be submitted via Mainestreet manually at the end of the term.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.