LMS Course Shell Combine Request
**UPDATED Jan 2023 It is advised that if an instructor wants a single course shell for distinct course (Mainestreet) sections, they should be coded as “cross-listed” on Mainestreet. The Office of Student Records has requested that CITL not combine sections manually in Brightspace, as doing so may lead to FERPA violations; details on this issue are available on the OSR FERPA page. If your department requests that the sections be cross-listed on Mainestreet then MaineStreet will automatically create a combined Brightspace course shell. If the above option is not available, there are three options on the Brightspace side:
With the understanding of the above, if you still decide to request the course shells combined, you must agree and select one of the options above in order to submit the request.
This form is used for the request to combine enrollments in Brightspace. This is not an official Mainstreet section combine/cross-listed request.