Chytrid Taxonomy since 1960 G—L
GAERTNERIOMYCES D.J.S. Barr [Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae] Canad. J. Bot. 58: 2380–2394. 1980
Gaertneriomyces californicus (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher. MycoBank 822238. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107: 205–228. 2018 Ξ Phlyctochytrium californicum D.J.S. Barr, Canad. J. Bot. 47: 991–997 + 8 plates
Gaertneriomyces palmatus M.J. Powell & Letcher MycoBank no.: 822234; Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107: 205–228. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; fresh horse manure; Penobscot County, MAINE, USA
Gaertneriomyces semiglobifer (Uebelmesser) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58: 2380–2394, 1980
Ξ Phlyctochytrium semiglobiferum Uebelmesser 1956; = P. californicum D.J.S. Barr, 1969
Gaertneriomyces spectabilis Uebelm. ex S.F. Chen, C.Y. Chien, & M.J. Powell, comb. nov. MycoBank no.: 822237; Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107: 205–228. 2018; Ξ Gaertneriomyces spectabile Uebelmesser 1956, nom. invalid. =Gaertneriomyces spectabile S.F. Chen & C.Y. Chien 2000, nom. invalid
Gaertneriomyces tenuis D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62: 1171–1201, figs. 129–137. 1984; Saprobic; pollen; soil; near Port William Dyke, NOVA SCOTIA, CANADA
Ξ Barromyces tenuis (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher MycoBank 822236. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107: 205–228. 2018
GALLINIPES Letcher & M.J. Powell [ Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae] MycoBank 822136; Nova Hedwigia 107: 105–129. 2018
Gallinipes alaskaensis Letcher & M.J. Powell MycoBank 822139; Nova Hedwigia 107: 105–129. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; glacial till, Wasilla, ALASKA, USA
Gallinipes danensis Letcher & M.J. Powell MycoBank 822138; Nova Hedwigia 107: 105–129. 2018
Saprobic; pollen; soil from south bank of Dan river, NORTH CAROLINA, USA
Gallinipes pseudodichotomus (D.J.S. Barr) Letcher & M.J. Powell MycoBank 822137. Nova Hedwigia 107: 105–129. 2018
Ξ Spizellomyces pseudodichotomus D.J.S. Barr, Canad. J. Bot. 62: 1171–1201, 1984
GAMMAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Alphamycetaceae] Nova Hedwigia 94: 9–29. 2012
Gammamyces ourimbahensis Letcher MycoBank 561199.Nova Hedwigia 94: 9–29, figs. 10–13, 16, 30–34. 2012
Saprobic; pollen; subtropical rainforest; Palm Grove forest, Ourimbah, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA
GERANOMYCES D.R. Simmons [Spizellomycetales, Powellomycetaceae] MycoBank no.:519610. Mycologia 103: 1411– 1420. 2011
Geranomyces hawaiiensis D.R. Simmons &Longcore. MycoBank no.: 564200. Mycologia 104: 1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added soil from volcanic rim; Mount Kilauea, HAWAII, USA
Geranomyces michiganensis D.R. Simmons &Longcore. MycoBank no.: 564199. Mycologia 104: 1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added to pasture soil or horse manure, Alpena County, MICHIGAN, USA
Geranomyces tanneri D.R. Simmons &Longcore .MycoBank no.: 564201. Mycologia 104: 1229–1243. 2012
Saprobic; pollen bait added to horse manure, Penobscot County, MAINE, USA
Geranomyces variabilis (Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers)D.R. Simmons. MycoBank no.: 519611.Mycologia 103: 1411– 1420. 2011. ≡ Powellomyces variabilis Longcore et al, Can. J. Bot. 73: 1390, (1995)
≡ Entophlyctis variabilis sensu Powell and Koch, Can. J. Bot. 55: 1672, (1977)
non E. variabilis (Karling) Cejp, Omagiu lui Traian Savulescu cu prilejul implinirii a 70 de ani:131, (1959)
GHAZALLOMYCES Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef [Neocallimastigomytcota] MycoBank MB830733. Mycologia 2020
Ghazallomyces constrictus Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef [Neocallimastigomytcota] MycoBank MB830734. Mycologia 2020. Feces of axis deer (Axix axis); TEXAS, USA
GLOBOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MycoBank no.: 511775. Letcher et al. Mycological Research, 112: 759-782. 2008
See Tylochytriaceae Doweld in Index Fungorum no. 101. 2014
GLOBOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Globomycetaceae] MycoBank no.: 511780. Mycological Research, 112: 759-782. 2008
Globomyces pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Letcher MycoBank no.: 511788.
Ξ Chytridium pollinis-pini A. Braun 1855, Ξ Rhizophydium pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Zopf 1887, = Chytridium vagans A. Braun 1856, = Phlyctidium vagans (A. Braun) Rabenh. 1868. Also, see Doweld’s comments (Index Fungorum no. 101. 2014). Doweld declares Globomyces pollinis-pini an illegitimate name and refers to this species as Tylochytrium pollinis-pini (A. Braun) Doweld.
Gonopodya terrestris S.N. Dasgupta et al. (probably not a Gonopodya) Indian Phytopathol., 43: 218-222, Figs. 1-8. 1990;
Saprobic; leaves of Eugenia jambolana; moist soil; garden, Lucknow U., INDIA
GORGONOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MycoBank no.: 511768; Letcher et al. Mycological Research, 112: 759-782. 2008.
GORGONOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Gorgonomycetaceae] Mycological Research, 112: 759-782. 2008
Gorgonomyces haynaldii (Schaarschm.) Letcher Ξ Phlyctidium haynaldii Schaarschm.,
Ξ Rhizophydium haynaldii (Schaarschm.) A. Fisch. Epitype declared by Letcher in Letcher et al., Mycol. Res. 112: 764, figs 2E-I, 768, fig 5B, 2008.
Gorgonomyces thailandicus V.G. Hurdeal & E. Gentekaki. MycoBank no.: 844704. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 180: 107706. 2023
Saprobic; pollen bait; water sample, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province, THAILAND.
GROMOCHYTRIACEAE Karpov & Aleoshin [Gromochytriales]MycoBank no.: 805306. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32: 115–126, 2014.
GROMOCHYTRIALES Karpov & Aleoshin MycoBank no.: 805305. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32: 115–126, 2014.
GROMOCHYTRIUM Karpov & Aleoshin [Gromochytriales; Gromochytriaceae] MycoBank no.: 805307. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32: 115–126, 2014
Gromochytrium mamkaevae Karpov & Aleoshin MycoBank no.: 805308. Karpov et al. Persoonia 32: 115-126, 2014.
parasite; Tribonema gayanum; ditch near Kirovsk, Leningrad Region, RUSSIA
HALOMYCETACEAE Letcher & M.J. Powell [Chytridiomycota, Rhizophydiales] MycoBank no.: 811430. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107: 808–830
HALOMYCES Letcher & M.J. Powell [Halomycetaceae] MycoBank no.: 811430. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107: 808–830
Halomyces littoreus (Amon) Letcher & M.J. Powell comb. nov.
MycoBank no.: 811464 Ξ Rhizophydium littoreum Amon Mycologia 76: 132-139. 1984. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107: 808–830
Hapalopera Fott 1942; rejected by Karling; CI, Pp. 64, 65. 1977; accepted by A. Batko; ZH, Pp. 169–170. 1975
Hapalopera achnanthis (Friedmann) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium achnanthis Friedmann 1952
Hapalopera difficilis (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 169. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium difficile Canter 1954
Hapalopera fragilariae (Canter) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium fragilariae Canter 1950
Hapalopera melosirae (Friedmann) A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium melosirae Friedmann 1952
Hapalopera piriformis Fott; A. Batko; ZH, p. 170. 1975 Ξ Rhizophydium piriformis (Fott) Karling; CI. p. 65. 1977
HARPOCHYTRIACEAE Wille [Monoblepharidales] Petermann’s Geog. Mitt. Ergänzungsband 28: 370–371. 1900;
Emended by Emerson & Whisler; Arch. Mikrobiol., 61: 195-211. 1968; Placed in Chytridiales by D.J.S. Barr; HP, p.463. 1990; Placed in Monoblepharidales by Paquin et al. Current Genetics 31: 380–395. 1997
HARPOCHYTRIALES Emerson & Whisler; Arch. Mikrobiol. 61: 195–211. 1968.
Order discarded by D.J.S. Barr; HP, p.463. 1990
HARPOCHYTRIUM Lagerheim; Hedwigia, 29: 142–145. 1890;
Placed in Harpochytriales by Emerson & Whisler; Arch. Mikrobiol., 61: 195–211. 1968.
From Harpochytriales to Chytridiales; Barr; HP, p.463. 1990.
Placed in Monoblepharidales, Harpochytriaceae by Paquin et al. Current Genetics 31: 380–395. 1997
Harpochytrium adpressum Scherffel; Arch. Protistenk. 54: 510–528, Pl. 28, figs.17, 18. 1926;
Saprobic; Spirogyra jugalis; water near igloo
Harpochytrium apiculatum Pascher (paper not seen) see: Pascher, A. Heterokonten, Lief. 5 in Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland II. Leipzig. 1938
Harpochytrium botryococci Jane; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 53: 28–40, figs. 14–18. 1946;
Saprobic; In mucilage of Botryococcus; water; Llyn Bychan, Caernarvonshire, U.K.
Harpochytrium hedenii Wille; Petermann’s Geogr. Mitt. Ergänzungsband 28: 370–371. 1900;
Saprobic; Zygnema, Oedogonium, Spirogyra; = Rhabdium acutum Dangeard; = Fulminaria hedenii Wille
Harpochytrium hyalothecae Lagerheim; Hedwigia 29: 142–145, figs. 1-4. 1890;
On Hyalotheca dissiliens; “Lassby backar”; Upsala, SWEDEN
Harpochytrium intermedium Atkinson; Ann. Mycol., 1: 479-502, Pl. 10, fig. 22, 23. 1903;
Saprobic; Confervae; marsh near Ithaca, NEW YORK, USA.
Jane considers a nomen nudum; J. Linn. Soc., Bot., 53: 28-40. 1946
Harpochytrium monae Jane; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 53: 28–40, figs. 19–22. 1946;
Saprobic; Zygnema; temporary pool; Llandegfan Common, Anglesey, U.K.
Harpochytrium natrophilum Hortobágyi ( an alga); Bot. Közlem., 48: 217–223, Pl 1, figs. 1–10. 1960
Harpochytrium ornithocephalum Clémençon; Rev. Algol., N.S. 9: 33–37, figs. 12–20 (Pl. 5). 1969;
Saprobic; on Spirogyra; fishpond; Botanical garden, Bern, SWITZERLAND
Harpochytrium tenuissimum Korschikoff; Arch. Protistenk. 74: 249–258, figs. 21–22. 1931;
Saprobic; On Oedogonium sp.; Latzino-Moores; Zwenigorod, GERMANY; Emended by Jane; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 53: 28–40. 1946
Harpochytrium viride Scherffel (an alga) Arch. Protistenk. 54: 510–528, figs. 19–20. 1926
On Microspora filaments
HOMOLAPHLYCTIS Longcore, Letcher & T.Y. James. MycoBank 561579. Mycotaxon 118: 433–440. 2011
Homolaphlyctis polyrhiza Longcore, Letcher & T.Y. James. MycoBank 561580. Mycotaxon 118: 433–440. 2011.
Saprobic; onionskin bait; acidic lake; Hancock County, MAINE, USA.
ILLMANOMYCES M.Krings & T.N. Taylor [Chytridiomycota incertae sedis] MycoBank 808057. Nova Hedwigia 99: 403–412. 2014. Fossil
Illmanomyces corniger M.Krings & T.N. Taylor MycoBank 808058. Nova Hedwigia 99: 403–412. 2014. Fossil; Lower Devonian Rhynie chert, Aberdeenshire, SCOTLAND
JOBLINOMYCES Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef [Neocallimastigomytcota] MycoBank MB830867. Mycologia 2020
Joblinomyces apicalis Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef MycoBank MB830868. Mycologia 2020. Feces of domesticated goat (Capra aegagrus hircus); HARYANA, INDIA
KAPPAMYCES P.M. Letcher and M.J. Powell [Rhizophydiales, Kappamycetaceae], 2005. Nova Hedwigia 80: 115–133
KAPPAMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] Mycological Research 110: 898–915, 2006
Kappamyces laurelensis Letcher & M.J. Powell Nova Hedwigia 80: 115–133. 2005;
saprobic; pollen; moss-covered soil from along stream; Cloudland Canyon State Park, Chickamauga, GEORGIA, USA.
Kappamyces microporosus A.L. Jesus & C.L.A. Pires-Zottarelli. MycoBank MB835250. Nova Hedwigia 110: 293–305. 2020
BRAZIL, São Paulo State, Peruíbe, Mosaico de Unidades de Conservação Juréia Itatins, 24 Aug. 2016, from soil samples, on pollen grains.
Karlingia Johanson 1944; Sparrow 1960 placed exooperculate spp. in Karlingiomyces. Karlingiomyces not accepted by Karling; Sydowia, Beiheft VI., p. 58. 1966. Karlingia is nomenclaturally superfluous, see: W.H. Blackwell and M.J. Powell, 1999. Mycotaxon 70: 213–217.
Karlingia aurantiaca Karling; Nova Hedwigia 27: 747–771, figs. 22–31. 1976;
Saprobic; corn leaves; soil; Blantyre, MALAWI
Karlingia exo-operculata Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28: 209–229, figs. 1–16. 1976;
Saprobic; cellophane bait; soil; Orlando, FLORIDA, USA
Karlingia expandens (Salkin) Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28: 209–229. 1976
Ξ Allochytridium expandens Salkin 1970; A. expandens preferred.
Karlingia granulata Karling not Karlingiomyces granulatus (Karling) Sparrow 1960; I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25: 91–105. 1974
Karlingia lacustris Hassan; Nova Hedwigia, 37: 435-440, figs. 1-7. 1983;
Saprobic; onion skin bait; Mikolajki Lake; northeast POLAND
Karlingia lobata var. microspora Karling; Nova Hedwigia 40: 329–340, Pl. 1, figs. 1–18. 1984;
Saprobic; bleached corn cotyledons; soil; LaGuajira, COLOMBIA (South America)
Karlingia polonica Hassan; Nova Hedwigia 38: 727–740, figs.1–17, Pl. 1. 1983;
Saprobic; onion skin; water, Mlociny Park, POLAND
Karlingia spinosa Karling not Rhizophlyctis spinosa (Karling) Sparrow 1960; I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 25: 91–105. 1974
KARLINGIELLA Jerônimo, Jesus & Pires-Zottarelli [Cladochytriales, Cladochytriaceae] Mycologia 111: 506–516. 2019
Karlingiella elongata (Karling) Jerônimo, Jesus & Pires-Zottarelli Mycologia 111: 506–516. 2019
Ξ Nowakowskiella elongata Karling 1944
Karlingiomyces Sparrow 1960; rejected by Karling; Sydowia, Beiheft VI. p. 58. 1966;
Accepted by I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia 24: 393-411. 1973. See genus synopsis and key in Blackwell et al. 2004. Mycotaxon 89: 259—276. See position in Polychytriales in Longcore & Simmons Mycologia 104: 276–294. 2012
Karlingiomyces asterocystis (Karling) Sparrow 1960 [Polychytriales] Mycobank no.: 287356. Epitype culture = JEL527 Mycologia 104: 276–294. 2012
Karlingiomyces laevis Konno; Sci. Rep. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Sect. B 14: 227–292, Pl. 8, E–H. 1972;
Saprobic; cellophane bait; forest soil; Susono-machi (Shizuoka Prefecture), JAPAN
KARLINGIOMYCETACEAE Doweld IF550391. Holotype Karlingiomyces Sparrow 1960. Index Fungorum no. 83. 2014
Information not furnished in Index Fungorum. Karlingiomyces asterocystis is the type for the genus and this species is in the Polychytriales. See Simmons et al. IMA Fungus 2020 (11:20)
KHOYOLLOMYCES Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef [Neocallimastigomytcota] MycoBank MB830741. Mycologia 2020. Feces of Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevi); OKLAHOMA, USA
Khoyollomyces ramosus Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef MycoBank MB830742. Mycologia 2020
KOCHIOMYCES D.J.S. Barr [Spizellomycetales, Spizellomycetaceae]; Canad. J. Bot. 58: 2380–2394. 1980
Kochiomyces dichotomus (IF 5:51) (Umphlett) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58: 2380–2394. 1980
Ξ Phlyctochytrium dichotomum Umphlett 1967
KRISPIROMYCES Taylor, Hass & Remey, Mycologia 84: 901–910. 1992 . Form genus for fossil fungi; compared to Phlyctochytrium
Krispiromyces discoides Taylor, Hass & Remy [fossil]; Mycologia, 84: 901–910, figs. 21–24, 27. 1992;
consistently associated with Palaeonitella cells; Lower Devonian fossil; Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, SCOTLAND, U.K.
LACUSTROMYCES Longcore [Polychytriales] Canad. J. Bot. 71: 414–425. 1993
Lacustromyces hiemalis Longcore; Canad. J. Bot. 71: 414–425, figs. 1–42. 1993;
Saprobic; chitin; lakes, MAINE, USA
LIEBETANZOMYCES polymorphus Joshi, G.W. Griff. & Dagar. IF554794 and IF554795. [Neocallimastigomycota; Neocallimastigales]; MycoKeys 40: 89-110 (2018). Saprobic; rumen of goat; PUNE, INDIA.
LOBULOMYCETALES D.R. Simmons; Mycological Research 113: 450–460. 2009
LOBULOMYCETACEAE D.R. Simmons; Mycological Research 113: 450–460. 2009
LOBULOMYCES D.R. Simmons; [Lobulomyctales, Lobulomycetaceae] Mycological Research 113: 450–460. 2009
Lobulomyces angularis (Longcore) D.R. Simmons; Mycological Research 113: 450–460. 2009
ΞChytriomyces angularis Longcore Mycologia 84: 442–451. 1992
Lobulomyces poculatus (Willoughby & Townley) D.R. Simmons. Mycological Research 113: 450–460.
ΞChytriomyces poculatus Willoughby & Townley) Transactions of the British Mycological Society 44: 183. 1961
LYONOMYCES Taylor, Hass & Remy; Mycologia, 84: 901–910. 1992.
Form genus for fossil fungi; compared to Rhizophydium.
Lyonomyces pyriformis Taylor, Hass & Remy [fossil]; Mycologia, 84: 901–910, figs. 16–20. 1992;
outer surface of Paranitella walls; Lower Devonian fossil; Rhynie, Aberdeenshire, SCOTLAND