2023 Northern Hardwood Conference – hosted in Fredericton, New Brunswick by CFRU member, NHRI.
Forestry professionals will meet in for a three-day in-person event. The first day is filled with workshops, industry showcases, and a trade show. The second day is a presentation day for managers and researchers with a banquet and maple syrup themed social evening. Finally, the third is a full field day at AV Group NB land at Skiff Lake/Canterbury just one hour west of Fredericton. The conference at a glance agenda is available here. Early bird prices for tickets and hotel rooms are available until June 15th.
The event partners include the Northern Hardwoods Research Institute, the University of New Brunswick, and the Canadian Institute of Forestry – Maritimes Section.
CFRU/UMaine researchers Laura Kenefic and Nicole Rogers will be presenting on some of their current research areas including mixedwood management and the interaction of site and silviculture in the Northeast. NHRI joined the CFRU advisory committee in January of 2022 and we hope representation will include some of our CFRU members from Maine!
Please contact Storm Robinson, Conference Coordinator at storm.robinson@hardwoodsnb.ca or Susan Willis, Field Workshop Coordinator at susan.willis@hardwoodsnb.ca with any questions.