As part of Laura Kenefic’s (USFS) most recent CFRU project, Mixedwood Management: Silviculture for Hardwood-Softwood Mixtures in Maine, a practitioner-oriented workshop will be held on Wednesday, September 20th, starting at 9AM at the Gorman Chairback Lodge on AMC lands. This daylong workshop will be supported by the most recent FIA report on the status and trends of mixedwood in Maine. Invited speakers will include mixedwood ecology and management researchers with expertise in spruce–fir–hardwoods, oak–pine, and hemlock–hardwoods, in addition to other regionally important forest types, both from the research team and the larger Mixedwooder group (e.g., Dave MacLean, Christel Kern, and others). Mixedwood experts from other forest types will attend to participate in break-out groups and in-field discussions. The purpose of this workshop will be to present the latest research results and ideas about mixedwood management to practitioners, engage in discussion about knowledge gaps related to mixedwood management in Maine, and visit mixedwood sites to consider alternatives. To sign up, follow this link.