We have moved!

The CFMS group moved to the Rochester Institute of Technology in 2022. We are now the Flow Physics and Modeling Lab at RIT. Welcome to our new website hosted here.

Lab Statement

Our current research centers on computational modeling for simulating complex multiphysics biological processes with the full complexity of the human/animal anatomy for applications including personalized simulation-assisted treatment planning, device development and optimization, bio-inspired design, and basic research. Particular emphases are on passive and active fluid-structure-acoustics interaction, neuromuscular biomechanics, inverse tissue characterization/parameterization, and machine-learning-aided modeling. 


Voice Production and Care

Running speech simulation with muscular control of frequency and adduction.

Laryngeal muscle control

Simulation of Flow-Structure-Acoustic Interaction during human phonation

Simulation of Flow-Structure-Acoustic Interaction in bird syrinx

Biological Locomotion

Wake structure after the caudal fin of a trout fish

Insect Flight - Wake structure around a cicada wing and sound radiation in far field

Fish Swimming - Using hybrid fin-ray structure to capture real kinematics.

Fish Swimming - Active ray control

Biological Flow Sensing

Seal whisker object detection

Cardiovascular Flow
