Canadian Studies resources

Watch Professor Mark McLaughlin’s Talk “It’s Not Easy Being Green: Environmental Engagement in the Past and Present”

On October 29th, 2018, Professor Mark McLaughlin spoke at the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions about how to affect long-term environmental change through government policy. You can view his talk here. For many conservationists and environmentalists, the Holy Grail in terms of trying to make real and long-term change happen is effective engagement […]

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Announcing release of “Coming Home to Indigenous Place Names in Canada” map

To mark the 150th anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, the Canadian-American Center is pleased to release a new map, Coming Home to Indigenous Place Names in Canada. The map honors Indigenous place names in Canada and the assertion of Indigenous authority through place names. Commissioned by Dr. Stephen J. Hornsby, Director, Coming Home to […]

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The Canadian-American Center

Spring 2018 Canadian Studies Course Guide

The course guide for Spring 2018 Canadian Studies courses is now available! The course list may be updated again in the future, but you can always find the most recent version here. Please share with any undergraduates, graduate students, or colleagues who may be interested in our latest offerings!  

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The Canadian-American Center

Spring 2017 Canadian Studies Course Guide

The course guide for Spring 2017 Canadian Studies courses is now available! The guide may be edited in coming weeks, but this link will remain correct. Please share with any undergraduates, graduate students, or colleagues who may be interested in our latest offerings!

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