Learn-to-Swim Level 4

Learn-to-Swim Level 4 Mastery Skills

  • Headfirst entry in compact and stride
  • Feet first surface dive
  • Swim underwater
  • Tread water, using 2 different kicks
  • Survival swimming for 1 minute
  • Front crawl for 25 yards
  • Breast Stroke for 15 yards
  • Back crawl for 15 yards
  • Butterfly for 15 yards
  • Sidestroke for 15 yards
  • Open turns on the front and back
  • Flutter and dolphin kicks on back
  • Push off in streamlined position on back then begin kicking
  • Perform a feet first entry into deep water, swim front crawl for 25 yards, change direction and position as necessary, and swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards
  • Swim breastroke for 15 yards, change direction and position as necessary, and swim back crawl for 15 yards
  • Submerged and swim a distance of 3 to 5 body lengths underwater without hyperventilating, return to the surface, then exit the water