MALT Team Updates and Training

Teachers seated around a tableForty-two educational teams across the state have already been trained as Maine Autism Leader Teams (MALT), thanks to a partnership of the Maine Autism Institute for Education and Research and the Maine Department of Education (see list below). These school-based and early intervention teams include general and special educators, related services staff, and general and special education administrators. With a focus on students in their own district, teams received training and ongoing support in implementing evidence-based practices (EBPs) with fidelity and collecting data, with a focus on measuring student outcomes.

The Evidence-Based practices that are used have been part of the National Professional Development Center in Autism Spectrum Disorders project and the National Standards Project, and have been supported through documented research. Specific topics addressed included the following: Overview of ASD, Functional Behavioral Assessment, Social Skills Instruction, Communication Programming, Visual Supports, Educational Approaches and Building a Comprehensive Plan, which included the appropriate and adequate training and supports for paraprofessionals working with children with autism spectrum disorder in the least restrictive environment.

We are now seeking applications from interested districts and early intervention teams for the 2017-18 academic year MALT training. To learn more about this opportunity and to apply, visit our website.  Only 12 school-based or agency-based teams will be chosen for the 2017-18 academic year, so apply early!


MALT 2012-13

MSAD 46/AOS 94_Dexter                    
Augusta Schools             
CDS Opportunities
CDS Two Rivers      
MECDHH GBSD             
MSAD 49 Fairfield          
MSAD 75 Topsham
RSU 1 Bath
RSU 10 Dixfield
RSU 19 Newport  
RSU 20 Searsport
RSU 25 Bucksport
RSU 26Orono
RSU 38 Maranacook                  
RSU 50 Katahdin            
RSU 60 Berwick

MALT 2013-14

Hermon Schools
SAD 4 Guilford
Milford Schools
RSU 39 Caribou
MSAD 17 Oxford Hills
RSU 34
RSU 68 SeDoMoCha
RSU 12Chelsea
Biddeford Schools
RSU 40 Waldoboro
CDS Mid-Coast
CDS York

MALT 2015-2016

AOS 96 Machias
CDS Downeast
Living Innovations North
Living Innovations South
MSAD 31 LaGrange
RSU 3 Unity
RSU 18 Oakland
RSU 2 Hallowell
RSU 14 Windham
RSU 21 Kennebunk