Smart Sex Video
Athletes for Sexual Responsibility, 1993, 20 minutes
Everyone has heard about it: HIV, the virus which causes AIDS. It seems we are living in an age of fatal sexuality . Sex can equal death if it is unprotected. Yet how many people think it can happen to them? It can and does. Tragically, many of those who are infected with HIV could have avoided contracting the virus if they had practiced “smart sex.”
In this, their second video production, the Athletes for Sexual Responsibility troupe at the University of Maine has portrayed situations that deal with taking responsibility for being open and honest about our needs. With the rise in HIV infection, honesty may be the only policy. Holding back your feelings could not only damage our relationship, a career, or your self-esteem…….your life could depend on it.
Smart sex means more than just being able to discuss using a condom. It starts with getting in touch with all the messages…. baggage…. you have received about sex, how deeply you would like to be involved, and what your needs are. It means having the freedom to choose and take responsibility for your choices.