UMaine’s BMPs are broken down into the six categories of minimum control measures (MCM) required by the MS4 General Permit.

MS4 Minimum Control Measure
MCM#1: Public Education and Outreach
Best Management Practice Goal
Educational Displays, Pamphlets, Booklets and Utility Stuffers Increase employee and resident students awareness of stormwater management plan
Promotional Give-aways Use promotional materials to reinforce proper habits, adherence to procedures and BMPs, and the impacts of various activities on stormwater quality.
Proper Disposal of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Support adherence to proper hazardous waste disposal and management procedures and BMPs and increase awareness of the impacts of hazardous wastes on stormwater quality.
Stormwater Educational Materials Develop various educations materials and strategies that reinforce proper habits, adherence to procedures and BMPs, and increase awareness of the impact of various activities on stormwater quality.
Trash Management Continuously reinforce proper waste management and recycling habits, promote available services and adherence to procedures and BMPs, and increase awareness of the impact of improper trash management on stormwater quality.
MS4 Minimum Control Measure
MCM#2: Public Participation and Involvement
Best Management Practice Goal
Attitude Surveys Assess employee and student awareness of stormwater management program
Community Cleanups Involve employees and students in stormwater management activities
Community Hotlines Provide employees, students, and public users of campus facilities an avenue to report stormwater pollution issues.
Storm Drain Stenciling Point of use awareness tool to prevent illegal dumping
MS4 Minimum Control Measure
MCM#3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
 Best Management Practice  Goal
Identifying Illicit Connections Eliminate illicit connections to reduce/eliminate non-stormwater discharge through a storm drain system
Information Management System (IMS) Database for monitoring and recording illicit discharges, inspection results, and improvements/corrective actions.
Recycling Program Promote material recovery, conservation, and reduce/eliminate the occurrence of improper disposal of wastes that can impact stormwater quality.
Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) Prevent SSO events and continue ongoing infrastructure assessments and maintenance activities.
Campus-wide Sewer System Map Assist in the management, inspections, maintenance, and development of storm drain system.
Employee Training Ensure impacted employees are trained to identify and investigate illicit discharges via inspections and monitoring activities.
Wastewater Connections to the Storm Drain System Eliminate illicit waste waterconnections to storm drain system.
MS4 Minimum Control Measure
MCM#4: Construction Site Runoff Control
Best Management Practice Goal
BMP Inspection and Maintenance Ensure erosion and sediment control devices are in place and functioning properly.
Check Dams Reduce erosion and sedimentation through velocity reduction.
Construction Entrances Reduce soil loss from movement off site.
Construction Reviewer Ensure BMPs are in place and functioning properly.
Dust Control Reduce erosion and sedimentation from construction site.
Filter Berms Reduce erosion and sedimentation from construction site.
Construction Site Waste Management and Recycling Reduce potential polluting of surface or ground water from construction site wastes (special, hazardous, solid) and provide/require recycling
Grass-lined Channels Reduce erosion and sedimentation from construction site
Information Management System (IMS) Database for monitoring and recording BMP inspection results and improvements/corrective actions.
Land Grading Reduce erosion and sedimentation.
Mulching Reduce erosion and sedimentation.
Ordinance/Regulatory Mechanism To ensure all bidders and awardees of contracts are aware of UMaine’s construction site management requirements, to include erosion and sediment control BMPs.
Permanent Seeding Reduce erosion and sedimentation from construction site
Preserving Natural Vegetation Protect desirable plantings and reduce erosion and sedimentation from construction sites.
Riprap Reduce erosion and sedimentation.
Silt Fence Reduce erosion and sedimentation.
Sodding Reduce erosion and sedimentation.
Soil Retention Reduce erosion and sedimentation.
Employee Training Ensure BMPs, structures, and inspections are completed and reviewed as required and maintenance activities are initiated as per Bid Documents and Project Manual
Storm Drain Inlet Protection Reduce erosion and sedimentation from construction site
Vegetated Buffer Protect water quality of areas adjacent to construction sites.
MS4 Minimum Control Measure
MCM#5: Post-Construction Runoff Control
Best Management Practice Goal
Alternative Pavers and Surfaces Reduce/contain amount of impervious surfaces to encourage and enhance infiltration.
Alternative Turnarounds Reduce amount of impervious surfaces by creating loop roads, hammerheads, etc.
BMP Inspection and Maintenance Ensure BMPs are in place, inspected, and functioning properly.
Buffer Zones Concentrate development to preserve or establish open spaces and maintain pervious surfaces.
Catch Basin Cleaning/Inserts Stormwater pretreatment to capture oils and solids, and reduce pollutants and particulates in the storm drain system.
Catch Basin Cleaning/Inserts Stormwater pretreatment to allow particulates to settle out and not enter storm drain system.
Catch Basin Cleaning/Inserts Reduce potention pollutant load from stormwater through use of vegetative areas, etc.
Grassed Filter Strip Reduce velocity and potential pollutant/particulate load from stormwater
Grassed Swales Encourage infiltration and filtration of particulates and potential pollutants to reduce volume and pollutants entering storm drain system.
Green Parking Reduce impervious surfaces and reduce stormwater volumes entering a storm drain system.
Identification of BMPs Develop a single location/point of contact/document for stormwater management plan description and facilitation.
Infiltration Basins and Trenches Reduce stormwater volume to storm drain system through infiltration.
Infrastructure Planning Develop appropriate infrastructure planning to support the growth and development needs of the campus while consolidating structures and infrastructure where possible to preserve open spaces and pervious surfaces for pretreatment.
In-line Storage Reduce flow velocities in storm drain system to reduce impact at outfall.
Manufactured Products for Stormwater Inlets Pretreatment structures to reduce pollutants and particulates in storm drain.
On-lot Treatment Reduce amount of stormwater entering the storm drain system and reduce potential pollutants through infiltration and filtration.
Open Space Design Reduce amount of impervious surfaces by maintaining open spaces and pervious surfaces to support infiltration and filtration.
Publication of BMPs Publicize Stormwater related BMPs to increase compliance and awareness.
Stormwater Wetland Reduce stormwater volumes entering storm drain system by creating pond areas with plantings.
Wet Ponds Reduce stormwater volumes entering storm drain system by detaining stormwater to support infiltration and filtration.
MS4 Minimum Control Measure
MCM#6: Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping
Best Management Practice Goal
Alternative Products Reduce the use of toxic chemicals, solvents, compounds, and other pollutants to the maximum extent possible.
Automobile Maintenance Reduce toxics in fleet and motorpool maintenance activities and continue to support the Spill Prevention Control and Counter Measure Plan (SPCC) and Stormwater Polluction Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements by inspecting areas, cleaning up/managing spills, and spill prevention/elimination.
Pollution Prevention (P2) Plan Develop a comprehensive resource detailing stormwater and industrial activity inspection and management protocols.
Employee Training and Training Materials Train staff on P@ elements, ensure an understanding of and compliance with the requirements, and provide forms and instruction documents as necessary.
Hazardous Materials Storage Follow established University policies and procedures to properly store hazardous materials and prevent/eliminate spills.
Illegal Dumping Control Develop and implement strategies to prevent/eliminate illegal dumping.
Information Management System (IMS) Database for monitoring and recording BMP inspection results and improvements/corrective actions.
Landscaping and Lawn Care Conserve water, prevent/eliminate erosion, and contribute to and use product from on-site composting program.
Materials Management Store, cover, protect, and secure materials for storage to prevent spills, run-off, leaching, sedimentation, and erosion.
Parking Lot and Street Sweeping Maintain parking lot and road management and maintenance practices to reduce pollutants entering the storm drain system.
Pest Control Utilize integrated pest management approach to managing prests and reduce/eliminate opportunities for pests (rodents, birds, etc.) to scavenge and spread trash.
Road Salt Application and Storage Cover stored sand/salt/mix to prevent/eliminate leaching, sedimentation, and wash-out, and use sand/salt mix as efficiently as possible.
Roadway Maintenance Maintain road and walkway surfaces, vegetative areas, and runoff control structures to reduce concentrations of contaminants entering storm drain system.
Spill Response and Prevention Following University SPCC Plan and Hazardous Material Management Program.
Storm Drain System Cleaning Reduce or eliminate SSO events and reduce pollutants and debris in storm drain system.
Used Oil Recovery Reduce or eliminate used oil from entering the storm drain system from do-it-yourself oil changing on campus and fleet/motorpool functions.
Vehicle Washing Wash all vehicles in designated facilities that collect and discharge wash water and contaminants to sanitary sewer system.