Director of Group Seeking to End Hunger to Speak at Extension Meeting

Kristine Jenkins, coordinating director of Partners for a Hunger-Free York County, will deliver the keynote address at the York County University of Maine Cooperative Extension Association annual meeting 6:30–8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 19 at Anderson Learning Center, 21 Bradeen St., Springvale.

Jenkins will talk about the needs of locals who are food insecure, as well as responses from organizations, including church food pantries, soup kitchens and Cooperative Extension’s Maine Harvest for Hunger. The free, public program is titled “Planting Seeds and Laying Down Roots: Partners for a Hunger-Free York County Team Up with UMaine Extension Master Gardeners.”

A dessert social will begin at 6:30 p.m.; the annual meeting will follow. For more information, or to request a disability accommodation, call 324.2814 or 800.287.1535 (in Maine) or email