MPBN Interviews Devin About Ocean Acidity, Danger to Shellfish

The Maine Public Broadcasting Network spoke with Mick Devin, a Democratic state representative for District 51 and researcher and shellfish hatchery manager at the University of Maine’s Darling Marine Center. As a result of legislation introduced by Devin and passed in April, a commission will soon convene to study ocean acidification and look for ways to mitigate it. The legislation makes Maine the first state on the East Coast to enact a law specifically to study the threat posed by the ocean’s changing chemistry. Devin says ocean acidification is a problem he witnesses daily, and Maine is the East Coast state most affected by ocean acidification. He said more carbon dioxide is entering the ocean and creating carbonic acid, which impacts marine life such as oysters and clams by causing their shells to dissolve. “Getting the bill into law was the easy part,” Devin said, adding the real work starts with the commission and their recommendations.