MALT Fall 2015
Congratulations to our new Maine Autism Leader Teams!
Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released statistics stating that 1 in 68 children are being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Each year this incidence rate increases, as does the complexity of these children. As a result, schools are stretched to educate and support children in an effective way.
In response to this need MAIER invited applications for school districts and agencies to receive advanced training in evidence-based practices for working with individuals with autism. 15 teams were selected to participate as Maine Autism Leader Teams, joining the existing 28 teams. Teams will receive six days of training (three two‐day training sessions) with coaching and mentoring opportunities provided between training sessions. Team members include general and special educators, related services staff, and general and special education administrators.
The overall goals of the training are to:
- Build local capacity to establish and implement proactive and positive programming with fidelity for children with ASD,
- Build regional and state experts, trainers and supports for Maine’s educators working with students with ASD,
- Foster the development of observational skills for working with children with autism spectrum disorder,
- Provide current information about the diverse range of individuals who exhibit characteristics associated with ASD,
- Ensure that Maine teachers and paraprofessionals are appropriately and adequately prepared to work with children with ASD, and
- Provide participants with sufficient current and evidence‐based information that enables them to share materials with others in their district and to conduct training at the local, regional and/or state level.
To date, 28 teams have been trained in the previous three years. An outgrowth of this team training has been the creation and ongoing support of an autism leadership network across the state. Over 200 autism leaders are employed by agencies and school districts across the state to promote sustainability and to scale up efforts.
Join MAIER in congratulating these new Maine Autism Leader Teams!
RSU 14
RSU 21
Lisbon Schools
Living Innovations
CDS Downeast
RSU 18
Wiscasset School Department
York Schools
AOS 96
Training begins at the end of September!
Visit our website and the MALT Map to find a team in your area or to ask about the opportunity.