Image of the building at 139 Rangeley Road
Welcome to our new home! The Center for Accessibility and Volunteer Engagement @ UCU is home to the Bodwell Center, Black Bear Exchange and Student Accessibility Services. The CAVE @ UCU is located at 139 Rangeley Road.


 The mission of The Bodwell Center for Service and Volunteerism, is to create civic mindedness by building an engaged campus through the promotion of service learning and volunteerism to students, faculty and staff in order to strengthen our local, national and global communities.

Last year over 1,800 UMaine students were completing over 7,000 hours of service and 100 projects serving 49 organizations every year.

What did you do??


The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others. Ghandi

Do you need documentation for your service hours?  Click Here

From a Day of Service to a Lifetime of Engagement!
Getting our students involved and helping the community one project at a time!

The Bodwell Center for Service and Volunteerism would like to thank all of our generous donors that make what we do possible!

If you would like to make a donation please contact Lisa Morin.