Club storage is here

Does your organization need somewhere to store your supplies and equipment? UMSG can help!

Starting this Spring, 2025, we are now accepting applications from organizations to secure a space to meet their needs. Spaces are secured on a first-come first-serve basis.

Interested in applying?
Complete the form below!

Start a New club today

Don’t see a club you’re interested in joining? You can start your own! Don’t worry, it’s not as difficult as it may seem.

Creating a club comes with many benefits, such as the ability to apply for funding to support your groups needs, and much, much, more!

Have any questions, concerns, or issues?
Please contact the Vice President of Student Organizations.

Ready to start a club?
Complete the form below and begin the process today!

Resources & Frequently Asked Questions for Student Organizations

Updated for Spring 2025: Student Organization Handbook

ATTENTION: As of April 2024, UMSG has begun streamlining the update process for student organizations. Our General update form has been moved to Campus Groups. As we update our site to reflect these new changes, please reach out to the Vice President for Student Organizations, Amanda Levesque, at, with any questions you may have.

Our new update form is now on Campus Groups!

Once annually, and/or after officer changes.

The club will be deactivated and lose affiliation/recognition and resources.

If after three full business days your organization page does not reflect the changes you requested, please contact the Director of Technology, Riley Mills, (

If you already submitted an annual update form for the academic year, and would simply like to update your organization’s description, meeting information, or links, please contact the Director of Technology, Riley Mills, (

If you’re starting a new club your organization will be listed as soon as it has achieved preliminary recognition.

If after three full business days of achieving preliminary recognition, your organization has not been added to the UMSG website, please contact the Director of Technology, Riley Mills, (

If your club was recognized at one point, but has since been deactivated, please contact the Vice President for Student Organizations, Amanda Levesque, (

Has your club held the status of UMSG preliminary recognition for at least 7 academic weeks? Congratulations! You can apply for final recognition.

Affiliated Student Organization: A student organization with at least 5 undergraduate members can be affiliated with Student Life. This type of organization has access to privileges such as utilizing campus facilities, and Center for Student Involvement services, such as: assistance with advertising, event planning and equipment needs and participation in student organization fairs and programming. 

Recognized Student Organization: A student organization with at least 10 undergraduate student members can apply for recognition. A recognized student organization is also affiliated with the University of Maine Student Government, and has the ability to apply for funding and utilize all UMSG resources. 

Beginning in Fall 2024, UMSG and the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) have merged our separate update forms together. Meaning that you will now only need to submit one update form, and once submitted it will be recieved by both UMSG and CSI.

The President of the organization will be contacted by the VPSO to schedule a meeting with the Student Organizations Committee (SOC; Time TBD). If the presentation passes SOC, your club will present to the General Student Senate the following Tuesday at 6pm in the Bangor room to achieve either preliminary or final recognition.

A club will be in a state of preliminary recognition (not eligible for funding) for 7 weeks, after which they may apply for final recognition and be eligible for funding.

A member of UMaine’s faculty/staff.

Anyone! Community members, staff members, and graduate students can participate. However, a club must still have the required number of undergraduate students to stay active; the president and treasurer must always be undergraduates.

Please contact the Vice President for Student Organizations, Amanda Levesque, (, with any other questions you may have!

If you have any ideas whatsoever, we’d love to hear them! We know our website could do better, but we can’t improve it without your input. Help us out by submitting your feedback, it takes just a couple minutes!

Student Organizations are a vital part of the University of Maine campus. The University of Maine Student Government (UMSG) provides assistance and resources to all recognized organizations, and encourages the active participation and involvement of undergraduate students.

If you have any questions, please contact the Vice President for Student Organizations (VPSO), or stop by Room 155, in the back of the Wade Center, on the first floor of the Memorial Union.