Start a Club

  1. Complete the Model Bylaws for your student organization.
  2. If you are an organization that is already affiliated with the University/CSI but are looking to apply for UMSG recognition, please use this form.
    If you are neither affiliated with the University/CSI nor have UMSG recognition, please use this form.
    If you have any questions about your affiliation/recognition status, please reach out to VPSO Amanda Levesque (

    • When completing this application, you will be required to upload your Model Bylaws and digitally sign the Relationship Agreement.
  3. Interview with the Student Organization Committee (SOC).
    • The Vice President of Student Organizations (VPSO) will reach out to schedule after submission of all forms.
  4. Present to the General Student Senate (GSS).
    • If Preliminary Recognition is approved by the GSS, you must remain in preliminary status for 7 academic weeks before applying for Final Recognition.